That's Me

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This is it, I thought to myself, as I walked up the music block stairs for the first day of my final term of being a Year 11 Student, a Junior. One more term and it would finally be my turn to be a Senior.

I reached the top of the stairs and glimpsed in side, my two best friends Tyler and Katie already seated in the very back row, closest to the door. Not wasting a moment I hurried inside and sat between them, beaming at them both.

"One more term!" Tyler exclaimed towards me, a smile from ear to ear. Katie and I nodded, about to respond as the door pushed open again, and loud rumbles of voices suddenly filled the room - the Seniors were here.

Being a small class, Seniors and Juniors were forced to combine. This was another reason why I was looking forward to being a Senior - just their voices intimated me! I surely won't miss awkwardly sitting in the same room as them when they graduate in nine weeks' time.

"Li, do you think the Seniors even notice us? I mean, it's been nearly a whole year and not one of them have spoken to any of us before," Katie whispered so soft that only my ears could hear, "it really makes me sad, thinking someone could mean so little to someone else, when they've seen us every day this year."

I nodded, not knowing how to respond - she was right, after all. I couldn't take my eyes away from them. All of the Seniors kept to themselves, angling their chairs away from the Juniors completely. I guess I understood - we were younger than them, but really? It was only a single one year age difference, after all.

My eyes trailed toward the front of the room then, my ears still ringing from the distinct chatter of nearly every conversation in the room, none I was a part of. A bellowing laugh echoed throughout the compacted room - a laugh that could make anyone smile, and instantly our teacher stood at the front of the room - Mr B.

Every one stopped their conversation and smiled up at him, he really did have that effect on people; having him as my music teacher would certainly make this Term bearable.

"Sorry I'm late guys, those darn teacher meetings," he shrugged, setting his bag down and pulling out his laptop, setting it to life and then turning to face us, "but here's what we are going to do today." He shifted toward a seat and perched himself lighting in it whilst crossing his legs and leaning back.

"This term's class unit is all about relationships between music. Today, I want you to find yourself a partner to work with."

Initially my heart sunk a little, I disliked group tasks as it is, but the fact I sit with two other people makes it difficult - he wanted us to be in groups of two, not three.

"But there's a catch," he continued, "Junior Girls need to be paired with a Senior Boy, and vice versa." He giggled, as if he knew this was going to be difficult for us.

I stared at Katie, and she copied the same flabbergasted expression, as did Tyler.

To my surprise, the Seniors stood up straight away, and headed to find their partners. Katie was the first to be asked, as Jay Myers, Varsity Jock (gorgeous at that), wasted no time in asking her. I was always jealous of Katie - she had the bluest of blue eyes that complemented her long sandy blonde hair without effort. She could have anyone wrapped around her finger in a second, especially when she speaks so highly of absolutely everybody. She glimpsed at me, I nodded and gave her an encouraging shove, and she and Jay walked off.

"This sucks," Tyler simply said, little did he know that Julie Rose was heading his way. I didn't know this Senior girl very much, but she had the nicest smile I'd seen anyone wear before. She fluttered her long eye lashes and before I knew it, Tyler and she had also left my side. I sat there, alone.

"Do you have a partner?" A voice sounded behind me. I turned slowly, searching for the faceless voice I heard. I couldn't believe it - Hudson Ray.

This boy had not noticed me at all this year, and he just spoke to me, like I was a somebody. I spent every class for the last year staring at him, hoping it would have caused him to glimpse at me, but that never happened. I shook my head, not being able to find the words to speak.

"Will you be mine?" He smirked, extending his hand towards mine in a gesture to life me up.

"Uh, sure," I stuttered, instantly grabbing his hand. He chuckled as we walked towards the front of the room.

"It's Lila, isn't it?" He whispered in my ear.

Wait, he knew my name - MY name. I sincerely didn't think that was possible.

"That's me," I replied shaking, shocked.

It was going to be a very long music lesson.

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