Hetalia Drabbles and Oneshots

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So I was thinking that I should actually start writing something that I enjoy and to do that I should probably use a fandom that I've actually been in for a couple of years. I will start with some pairings that most people like before I actually get into writing about some ships that personally ship. I will start with doing some fluffy shit

Enjoy :D 


Long weeks of work was the only thing that the poor Swede had gone through. His boss had been yelling at him at points and his co workers were just acting like a big bunch of dicks. He had been forced to come home oh-so late and that only caused him to spend less and less time with the Fin. At a first Tino had been waiting for him together with a sleeping Hana each night but as the weeks passed the male had decided to stop waiting up for the Swede. He would never come until very late anyways. There were even days when the two males didn't see eachother at all. Tino thought that this was something horrible since he had always feared that he would drift appart from the other and his nightmare was coming true. There had to be change and the Fin eventually told Berwald what he felt and they decided that they would go out one night just the two of them. No work involved at all.

There Tino was, standing by the train station and waiting for his beloved Swede. Oh how he waited, hour after hour by that very train but nobody showed up. Tears filled his eyes as he started walking backwards towards the lonely house. He was going to  leave! He was going to leave and never come back was what he was telling himself. He even took out his phone, his fingers quickly typing out a 'we're over Berwald." before he sat on the train. No response. Maybe something bad had happened to him? Maybe he had gotten drove over by a car or gotten in an accident. Shit he started to worry by now, he didn't respond to his texts nor did he answer calls. Around 20 minutes later he had gotten home, taking a deep breath before letting his shaky hand open the door. The house was dark. Nobody was home. He sighed, of course...the other had forgotten about it and stayed at work. Tino sighed in annoyance as he put on the light and walking to the kitchen. "....." he said nothing as he blinked. There he was. Berwald, all dressed fancy and ready to leave the house for their date, a bouquet of roses and a small box in his hand. The keys were across the table and the roses there as well. He had been working too much and he had simply taken a seat for a while...or so was his plan. He fell asleep eventually and he didn't wake up too soon. His plans was a proposal but he had fallen asleep. Tino blushed before helping the Swede to the couch, making him lay down. "m'rry me..." the Swede mumbled in his sleep, unaware of the others precense "okei..." the Fin nodded, even if he knew that the other didn't hear him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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