Flaky took her blindfold off to see someone taller then her, very.
"Hi." flaky said shyly.
"Oh, h-hey." lumpy said scratching the back of his head.
Flaky took lumpys hand and lead to the couch.
'Its so soft.' lumpy thought.
'I have to what will giggles want me to do?' flaky thought.
Flaky got on lumpy's lap and kissed him roughly, exploring his cavern.
Lumpy placed his hand in her panties and stuck 2 fingers in her a**hole.
"Mh!" flaky moaned in suprise.
Lumpy put his fingers in deep, in and out.
A minute later flaky came.
She pulled away and breathed hard.
"That... Was... Good.. WHOO!" flaky said.
"Times up! Ooooh you did something kinkyyy~" lammy said.
"Thanks lumpy."
"No prob flaky":)