30| Mercy

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"They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one."

"My cursed sister rots below in the dungeons, and you give her pity?" Joffrey sits atop the Iron Throne, peering down at his mother's pale face

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"My cursed sister rots below in the dungeons, and you give her pity?" Joffrey sits atop the Iron Throne, peering down at his mother's pale face. His back, aching because of hard, melted metal, however inclining forward as he beacons an executioner. "See this man, he is trained. Charlotte will suffer no pain, and neither with I."

"What of Ned Stark?" Cersei's head bows towards the ground, staring amongst the painted tiles that plastered the floor.

"A double execution. A moment of celebration." Joffrey's clasp his hands in a delightful manner. His mind is already planning the feast of the execution. If only wolves flooded the South, their meat would used for this momentous occasion. "Guards! Take my mother back to her room. Bring me my sister. I have one last taunt to throw in her face."


"Charlotte, King Joffrey demands an audience." One the Kingsgaurd stands in front of the iron bars, only his eyes visible from underneath his helmet.

"What does he want with me?" Charlotte's green eyes are the only visible light in the darkness of the dungeons.

"I do not ask nor answer questions." His hand grabs the hilt of his sword, threatening to pull it from the shealth. "Okay, okay... no need to pull the sword. Dying at the hands of a Kingsguard is pitiful at best, I'd rather be burnt alive by a dragon or drowning as I swim across the Dornish Sea." Charlotte spies her sleeping father across the jail cell, his face paling by the hour. Lack of hydration dims his strength, but he refuses to stop fighting. "What of my father?"

"I do not ask not answer questions."

Charlotte jerks her hands in the air, wishing to be free of the metal chains yielding her arms immobile. "I'd rather die than speak to my bastard brother again."

"Watch your tongue, peasant!"

Charlotte spits in the man's face as she tugs harder against the chains. "I am the true heir to the Iron Throne! I will not be silenced. I will scream my name for all to hear-" She throws herself into the guard's chest. "You will hear my name when you die, Ser. The Gods will push you away and let you spend eternity in the depths underneath the ground. Hell, you belong in hell."

Lord Stark awakens from his deep slumber. "Charlie! Calm down... you're going to get yourself killed."

"Death will be my release." Charlotte stands her ground. The guard refuses to advance another step, his blood boiling with anger. "King Joffrey demands your presence and I will drag you if I must, but I will not disobey my King."

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