Going To a New High School

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Rose's POV:

Hi my names Rose Rivers I'm new to this school called Whites Creek and there were a lot of people here and I was getting really nervous around everyone so I walk up to a door that says Office on it and so I opened the door and walked in looking around while I'm in my thoughts but until someone interrupted my thoughts "excuse, me miss who are you?" The lady at the desk asked me "I'm Rose Rivers I'm a new student to this school and I was going to ask about my schedule for my classes" I told her then she started doing something to her desk laptop and then she looked at me an got up out of her desk and walked up to me and gave me my schedule then I left out of the office while I said thanks to the lady at the desk then I looked at my schedule and seeing the I have A Day today and my first class was Math so I try and look for the class before the bell rings then I finale find the classroom then I walked in nervously because a lot of people where looking at me "so are you miss Rose Rivers?" A man ask me "yes I am" I said "okay so your the new student why don't you sit by the guy in the back right corner at the table his name is Nick" the man said and calling that guy to raise his hand up for me to know where he is sitting so I walked to the back but then someone trip me making me fall on my hands then I looked at who done that and it was a girl that look like a popular student of the school and she looked so ugly that I gave her a look then she looked at me with a angry face then someone walked in front of me and putting out there hand to me so I looked up and saw that guy I had to sit by so I grabbed his hand and he helped me up and dragged me to the back and made me sit down at the window "thanks Nick I guess that's your name" I said thanking him "your welcome and yes that's my name. What's your name?" He asked me "my names Rose" I told him then we started talking for a while until the bell rang for next block "so what's your next class?" He ask me "if you want you can look at my schedule" I said giving him my schedule "hmm so it looks like your in all the same classes as me rose" he said smiling at me so I smiled back then we walked to our next class and so we talked in all of our classes until school was over then I said bye to nick then I went home and into my room falling asleep while thinking of nick.


So hey everyone this is my first time making this kind of story so thanks for reading it I hope you liked it so I will try my best to make more updates to the story and more chapters and more awesome things to it so thanks for reading you people are awesome.

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