My Precious Saber [(Red)Saber x FemMC]

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After coming so far, I'm not going to give up. I am currently in my 5th week here with the rest of the remaining people, Master and Servant, that haven't been erased from existence yet in this alternate world from reality.

I'm on my way to the double-door that will lead to the Arena called Fifth Chimeric Lunar Sea. With Saber by my side, there is no way we can lose. We have come so far, and went through a lot together. Luck is on our side!

Oh how wrong I was. Winning over four rounds must be getting to my head, as well as Saber, due to her prideful attitude.

Before I walk up to the double-door, Saber stops me to say something about our enemy, but then dismiss it, saying that our enemy has move position. She also told me to be on my guard.

Well, if Saber says that then I guess I have to careful with this enemy of ours.

Once Saber and I have transport to the Fifth Chimeric Lunar Sea arena, Saber voice her uneasiness about the danger we might encounter, and advise that we move with caution.

"Got it," I said with a nod.

"Now then, shall we? It's time to take the stage, Praetor!"

With her red sword ready in her hands, we proceed onward to find our first Trigger Code for the 5th round. We didn't get far before we bump into Julius, who is blocking our path.

Saber appears amuse of Julius standing before us without his Servant, and suggest that we make it quick.

"That's my line," said a disembodied male voice.

"What?!" Saber was not prepared for what happen next.

I don't what happen, but it seems Saber was knocked down by some kind of force, falling to the ground with a thud.

I gasp in shock. "Saber!" I run up to my fallen Servant.

Saber grunt in pain. "I couldn't see the enemy...?"

Julius turns his back to me. "It's over. Let's go."

"Saber, hold on!" I cried with desperation.

"P-Praetor..." Saber said with a struggling voice.

"Heh; they're good as dead," said the same disembodied voice that sound like it's coming from the right.

I look to the right and notice a man in a form of shadow. The voice must belong to the man of shadow, Julius' Servant. He suddenly disappears from sight.

Anger that Julius' Servant hurt my precious Saber, I grab the latter's sword, ready myself to fight. Foolish of me, I know.

Just before Julius can take a step forward, I shout, "Hold on!"

Julius turns around to me with a bore look. "Are you a fool?" He's not even amused.

The man of shadow, Julius' Servant, appear in front of his Master, and laugh in amuse of my foolish act. "Huh, you want a fight, little girl?"

Saber manages to stand up, while struggling doing so. She limp in front of me and took her sword me. "Praetor! Instruction!"

I can tell Saber is trying to endure the pain, I determine enough to go along with this foolish act?

"It seems these ladies still want to play. Master, what should I do?"

Julius let out a sigh. "Just don't kill them."

Julius' Servant and Saber fought as I try to support my Servant the best I can. But then, I ran out of mana. Saber was on her own and was left open for the enemy to strike.

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