Prolouge: Not Normal (Thomas Dempsey)

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Until the day that the people from Drew Academy came into my school building, I lived a Not Normal 13 year old life. Most of the time, I was at school. I did my homework, but after I finished that, came the real fun.
I dug holes, and tunnels under the ground.
It sounds dangerous, and, in a way, it was. There were sewer pipes, underground power lines, phone cables, and subway tracks to watch out for. But, once you go out into the country, there's nothin' to worry about.
I had set some world records, and had gone through about 70  shovels. Sometimes my parents and I would go for 'Tours' where we basically went out into a wide open area which someone had agreed to let us use, dug a hole, and started tunneling our way around. Our favorite spot was near a state forest, but, let me tell you, it was worth the drive! We had a hole in some old geezer's backyard.

It happened on a bright and sunny Wednesday in the middle of November, right after Columbus Day.

Oh, and I assume you want to know why I dig holes. I started when I was three, and I was driving my Mother up the wall.

She had told me "Go Dig A Tunnel to China", so I said "I will! Where do we keep the shovels?" I had chirped this in my three year old voice, and after I had said this, my mother gave me a very weird look that read 'You're taking this literally?'

I went out to the shed, and I got a shovel. I started a hole, and my mother (who by now was standing in the kitchen, chopping up onions), yelled "Thomas, you'd better not be in my Rose Bed!" I wasn't, I was in the front yard.

It took me a day and a half to make it possible for my head to stick out of the hole. When I started on the first day, the mailman came. Right as I saw him coming, i ducked down in my hole. When he went to put the letters in the mailbox, i jumped up, said "RARRR!", and the scream he made, I will never forget ever in my life.

On the day that the people from the academy came, I was sitting in math class, taking an exam. The exam was on percent error, and it was a piece of cake for me. I had watched a video at home of some rapper singing "Take the old and the new and subtract the two, take the answer, and the original, make a fraction, boo!" It helped me remember, so I used it. I was about to Make The Fraction, Boo, when the door burst open.

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