Chapter 1: Hello dolly

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The crystalline water sparkled around me.
I was in the middle of a large pond within a lush green prairie.
It had been a few days without rest and as much as I wanted to continue, I knew I had to bathe. This might be the only water for a score of miles.
I stepped out of the pond as water dripped from my body. I shake out my long dark brunette hair and tie it back in a high ponytail. I quickly redressed into my other dry dress as I set the dirty garments from before in the pond and swish them around.


I look down in time to see something fast and small hit the water, not far from my form. Gunfire!

I grab my wet clothes with a swipe and dash to the cover of the nearby tree-line. I race through the trees, knowing exactly who's found me. I can't let them catch me. I'll end up exactly like my poor sister. Tears sputter out from my eyes at the thought of my dear sister. They fly across my cheeks as I hop over branches and rocks in my haste.

I stop behind a tree and catch my breath. My hearts racing and palms sweaty in fear for what may happen. I wipe my tears away. I roll up my sopping dress and stuff it in my rucksack.

I take a deep breath and dart off, trying to catch up speed. I should have never stopped.

All of the sudden, I'm whipped upwards by the ankle. I squeal as I feel the slash of the rope against my skin and lifted upside down. I'm pulled up higher and higher into the trees. Is this them? Or hunters? Never trust a hunter. Couldn't be an Indian. Haven't seen one in years myself.

I arrive high up into the tree tops and lift my torso up, trying to pull at the rope keeping me hostage. Luckily, my dress was caught in the rope, otherwise I'd be able to see nothing and whomever had caught me would see well...everything.

"Hello, dolly."

I jump at the sound of the deep voice. I stare down and see a dark haired gentleman with rusty skin and raven stubble scatter his face.

"Release me at once sir! I need to be on my way!" I yell, full of frustration.

I hear a chuckle. "Wily one, eh?" I see a twinkle wink at me in his deep eyes.

He takes a step out farther from the leafy shadows and those eyes surveyed me up and down.

I sighed and tried covering myself. My arms crossed over my stomach.

"Why were you running, dolly?"

"Will you let me go then if I tell you?"

He smirks at me and leans against the trunk of the tree.

"You're not exactly in a position to make demands." His eyes run back over my dingy plum colored dress.

I take a gulp and shiver as a breeze flows through the trees. He takes a step forward, holds her by the waist and cuts the rope from my ankle. I fall slightly and am spun around only to find us pressed against one another. He's so warm.

The thundering sound of footsteps and horses hooves flow through the trees. I bite my lip and look into his brown eyes. His hair falls forward over his forehead.

"Now who might that be?" He says softly, brushing one of my dark locks from my face. He had a slight accent in his words.

His grip on my waist tightens; he spins me around so my back touches his front as he shuffles backwards into the greenery of the tree.


My words were cut off as a rough palm slaps against my mouth. Ow. Unnecessary!

I feel his warm mouth near my ear and shush me. The rumbling of the men below echo through my ears. Voices.

"I don't see her. Split up and search the whole forest! I want her alive!"

I whimper and I feel his thumb rub up and down on my hip. He calmly whispers, "Shh, dolly. All is fine with Andres around."

Is that...him?

I hear the footsteps were dangerously close to our tree. His rubbing continues on my hip and his grip tightens on my mouth.

"Round back!" A voice booms below.

I hear the scuffle of boots and hooves finally leave our vicinity as they ride off.

"!" I bite down on his hand and kick my heal upwards between his legs.

"Gah! Puta!" He cries out as he drops to his knees on the long thick branch.

I swing down from the tree and land on my feet. I hear a whistle above me along with "Andres" groaning.

I race off to the side as fast as my feet can take me. Hopefully, there aren't anymore traps around. I make it a few more tree linings until I hear leaves shuffling above me. Oh no. He couldn't have caught up!

I stop and glance around the treetops. I start to back up and bump into a hard object as a shadow falls over me. Weird. I didn't think a tree was so close to me. I dart my eyes to my back and see a wall of a man corded in muscle. The outline was unmistakable through his loose brown and beige attire. A simple brown cowboy hat adorned his head with a light brown beard. His light blue eyes connect with my dark green ones.

"Hey there, little lady," he says cheekily. He grabs tight onto my arms and holds them to my sides. I'm getting real tired of all this man-handling. Daddy didn't teach me to be thrown around by the likes of strangers or anyone for that matter.

I whipped my leg back only to have it stopped abruptly by something before it could even make contact.

I strain to look behind my new captor, only to see another man with his foot out successfully stopping my foot from hitting the big one's manhood. Damn! Where are all of these men coming from? New army of hunters? Raiders? I'm in trouble.

The one behind the larger man holding me had a cigar between his teeth. His smirking teeth.

I huff and squirm in the arms of my captor.

"Let me go, you barbarian!"

Laughter vibrates from my back as the two laugh together.

"Oh, there's a spark in her!" He calls to his compatriot.

I could feel my ears heating up. I squirmed even harder and he pulled me back against him. That's a very hard body, Annabelle...

The cigar smoking man circled around to my front. He blows the slightly sweet smelling smoke slow into the air. He had shaggy light brown hair and was almost to the height of the man holding me. Brothers?

"Calm down darlin'," he says and taps under my chin with his hand, "We all just want to talk."

My eyes widened as I see shadows coming through the trees. More than just the man from before.

Who exactly is we?

Hello!! Welcome to my first real story! It will be a reverse harem if you cannot tell. I have written things before but mostly fan fiction and to be continueds. I had some good feedback before on the fan fiction. But please be kind. Tell me what you think! This isn't a 21st century story so keep that in mind. I can't wait to write the rest of the characters up! ☀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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