A new begining

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I woke up this morning , alexa sitting beside me humming the song my mom used to sing to us when we were babies. I heard my six week old sister elaina crying . I told alexa to go and get her . Alexa brought in elaina while still humming that majestic song . It seemed to calm elaina down . I took elaina from alexa and grabbed the bottle of milk alexa had just made for her . Today is my first day of college and im only 17 . Im the youngest student in all of my classes. I got elaina and alexa , i put elaina in her carseat and alexa sat in the front seat . I dropped elaina off at daycare and next i went to alexas school . Today was the first day of 8th grade for her and she was scared . I reassured her that everything was going to be ok . Alexa's homeroom teacher was my favorite teacher in all my middle school years . I got to my first class of the day and i didnt know anyone so i just sat there quietly and let Mr.yaminashi , my english teacher , talk. Right in the middle of Mr.Yaminashi's speach , the doors flung open and Mr . Yaminashi said " nice to see you made it Mr.Styles

". Everyone looked but quickly looked away because Mr . Yaminashi kept on teaching . This kid that just shows up out of nowhere and comes into class sat right next to me . He said hi to me and i said hi back . He asked me what my name was and i said "ariana" with a smile . What about you ? Whats your name . He quietly said "Harry , Harry Styles " while writing down our notes for todays lesson. I smiled at him and noticed that he had an accent that i found very adorible! I aske him " where are you from , i can tell your not from around here are you " . Harry turned towards me and gave me a small smile " nope , i just moved here from redditch in the united kingdom . Its very different here but i like it . Especially all the pretty girls like you"

I started to blush but i turned away so he wouldn't see .

Ariana's POV

"This guy seems so nice . The only thing im concerned about is what he will do when he finds out that my mom is dead and my dads in jail . What will he do when he finds out i take care of my two little sisters by myself . "

He looked at me and asked me how old i was . I told him im was seventeen but i will be 18 i about two months . He looked at me in shock and said " im 18 and my birthday is in two months"

I looked at him and laughed as if he was joking but when i saw he wasnt laughing i knew he was serious . I asked him when his birthday was and he said "october 21" . I widened my eyes as i told him that he was exactly a year older than me . We both looked at eachother and laughed . He told me to text him sometime and gave me his number . After school i went and picked up alexa and then picked up elaina from daycare . I asked alexa how her first day of 8th grade was and she simply replied " fine". I asked her if she had fun and all she did was nod. I knew something was wrong with her but i knew if i kept pestering her about it she would get mad and when she gets mad she cries . I just simply turned on the radio and drove home . When we returned home i grabbed elaina out of her carseat and alexa and i walked inside . I made up a warm bottle of milk and fed elaina . Out of the corner of my eye i could see alexa crying . I went over to her and i knew i had to talk to her about what happend . I asked her what was wrong and she started to cry more . I went to the other room and layed elaina down for her nap and i came back into the living room and sat down next to alexa . I told her i knew something was upsetting her and she needed to talk to me about it . alexa finally looked at me and said " today we had to tell our class about our family and someone we missed . I told the class about how mom died giving birth to elaina . I started to cry thinking about mom and all of the things we did . I told them how much i missed her an i always wished i could have her back ! I cried more and this boy started bursting out laughing at me and said i was a cry baby. I got so mad that i threw a book at him and he got a black eye .. My teacher sent me to the office and the principle wants to talk to you ." . I hugged my sister and told her everything will be ok . I knew my sister was in alot of pain thinking about the thought of not being able to see our mom again . Our mom was the one person we went to about everything and she understood . She cared so much about us and left everything to me in her will . Thats why i am able to have such a great home and money that will last us for about 40-50 years ! My mom was a very successful woman . She made thousands of dollars about every two months . I told my sister she should go lay down and try to sleep . I tucked her in because everytime one of us were sad thats what mom would do and then she would tuck us in . I tucked alexa in an sung her the song mom would always sing to us . A couple minites after alexa fell asleep i got a text from harry saying

" are you busy this weekend ?"

I replied back

"i'll have to wait and see . Im having some family issues at the moment" .

Harry saw the message and wrote back

"I understand , will i see you tomorrow ?"

I messaged him back saying

"Of course , im going to bed but i will see you tomorrow , goodnight"

All he wrote back was

"Ok , good! Goodnight beautiful"

This message put a smile on my face as i layed down to go to sleep . In a matter of seconds i fell asleep . i was awaked to the sound of elaina crying . I was hoping she hadn't woken up alexa. I checked in on alexa and she didnt budge . Thankfully she was still sound asleep . I picked up elaina out of her crib and grabbed the bottle . I noticed that it was 3:00 in the morning . I was used to elaina waking me up at this time so i naturally wasn't tired . I went out into the kitchen and made a new bottle of milk for her. i rememberd that i had homework to do from yesterday that i totally forgot about . I put elaina in her high chair and wheeled her over to the living room which i had my back pack on the couch . I grabbed my work out of it and it only took about an hour to do it . Elaina had fallen asleep while i was doing my homework and by the time i was done with it i had at least another two hours to sleep . I went back to sleep for the two hours that i could . I woke up to alexa sitting on the side of my bed again . She jumped on me and screamed GOODMORNING! I laughed and started tickling her till she jumped off of me . She went and grabbed elaina out of her crib and brought her into the kitchen and put her in her high chair .

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