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What she loved the most in this fast changing world is the idea of love. Love that can grow wider and can even run the world. It conquers everything. Its a thing that stays forever up until our heart stops beating. At the every end of the day, love always shows an endless heart that can never forget but can forgive and most especially despite the fact that its not just only about happiness because in reality sacrifices is all part of it, love is still quite cool and mysterious more like a game that is full of twist. All those change but the pretty lady don't regret.

Love doesn't always bring happily ever after. Just like what happened to Romeo and Juliet love is somewhat tragic, sometimes or maybe most of the time.

Once I heard a story, about a girl with an angelic face, pointed nose, black shinny long hair, and sweet lips, with beautiful brown eyes. She seems to be a goddess. A pretty lady who is badly broken hearted.

She definitely hate her life because she said that its sometimes unfair. What on earth is happening? For god sake, why he can't even saw how the pretty lady talk gorgeously, smile perfectly and always walk so elegant in her own little ways.

The pretty lady had something more than just a crush with a guy. She had it since then and who knows that guy is her teacher.

The pretty lady knows what's right not just on our law but also on the eye of many. She is so into him but she knows its wrong.

One day the pretty lady woke up so early. She took a bath and eat her breakfast. She remembered her report in the subject of the teacher she admires. She opened her laptop but forgot its password. She then panic that morning. She decided to walk going to her school though she is still nervous about her laptop and her report.

"No way," the pretty lady was shocked. The one who walked with her is her teacher that she admires. "Can I join you?" the teacher asked. Why would an admirerer say no for that. It was like a miracle. "You are beautiful. You are perfectly imperfect. You are gorgeous," the teacher add. The pretty lady was still clueless about what's happening. "Always keep safe and take care of yourself," the teacher again said.

While walking, an important papers of the pretty lady flew away down to the other part of the street. The teacher tried to get it. After a couple of seconds, the pretty lady saw her watch and it's too late for her first class.

"Its too late sir," the pretty lady said then fall to the ground. The first time he had walked with his ideal man, in just a couple of seconds he saw it on the middle of the street. The girl saw how the big truck crashed him. Now he is dead, full of blood and the pretty lady is full of guilt.

Three days after, the day of her teacher's burial he opened her laptop. She remember her password. She opened her email and was shocked when his gone teacher had emailed her the night before of his dead. "When I saw you for the first time I totally had a crush on you. Since you are just a student, I tried every single moments to stop my nonsense heart beating and beating when you are around. I can't help falling inlove with you everyday I look into your brown beautiful eyes. I so damn like you. Behind all bad things I did to you from the very start is a pitty heart of mine but its just part of my plan stopping my feelings for you because you are just my student. I should say this personally but I can't, I love you and please always take care of yourself," the teacher said.

The pretty lady cried and cried because of what she just read. She felt broken for his lost and also because its too late. The pretty lady said with full of madness and tears, "Its too late Sir".

Life is full of unexpected surprises. I just can't deny the fact that things fall into its place in too bad timing. We can't blame anyone or anything. Lets just accept the fact that its just life, people come and go, change is permanent, some things may be too late but worth not to be forgotten.

Its Too Late Sir (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now