Mr. Murder
Fear nothing Mr. Murder for dragons tears are the hideaway for cold fires and bad places. Fear nothing for midnight lightning watchers are searching for strangers with twilight eyes as dark fall phantoms whispers of evil are heard. Fear nothing for the mask of night and vision of day keep you hidden well from the faces of fear. Fear nothing for night chills the dark hearts till they’ve been shattered by the voices of the night only to be mended by the servants of twilight at the house of thunder. Fear nothing for the key to midnight lays behind the eyes of darkness illuminated by shadow fires under the winter moon, waiting to open the door to December. Fear nothing for dark rivers of the heart reside ice bound on a strange highway. Fear nothing for intensity follows you…. the sole survivor. Fear nothing for your power awakens at midnight… tick tock…hurry to the funhouse and claim your prize. Fear nothing for you are the Demon Seed, Mr. Murder
~J. A.
© J.A.