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Nina's POV:

I was fidgeting in the chair the whole school day. It's been days after the school ball and I couldn't not think about the mysterious boy I met at the masquerade ball.

When I am walking around campus, I get so observant to see the soft brown hair and green brown eyes or either, I'm not sure. I may look like a freak but a girl has gotta find out. I now think that this wasn't the smartest idea of mine giving him a kiss to find out who I am, I'm not kissing every guy in the school! I guess the time will come when it comes.

I slouch as I walk to the lunch table where Clarissa is sitting at. "Yo." I say sitting down as I open my to go bag from in and out, it's my first time trying it because it isn't there on the east coast which is really sad.

"Hey girl what's up?" She looks up from her phone but I get distracted looking at a group of boys walk by.

"Are you constipated?" She asks as I snap out of it.

"What? Huh, no." I say as I awkwardly take out my burger.

"Are you still thinking about that guy you met at the masquerade ball." Clarissa says.

"What? No. I over that. It's hot in here." I say taking off my cardigan as I have a nice flower top on.

"Oh take it off!" Blake says as he approached with his friend Jake.

"Shut up."

"Feisty!" Blake says sitting next to me. "What's your problem?"


"Nothing!" I look at Clarissa as she shuts her lips.

I then take a napkin and put it on my lap as I straighten it out.

"What's the occasion?" Blake says looking at me like I'm about to have a gourmet meal.

"Well I'm having my first in and out." I say.

"You e never had in and out!?" Blake put he most surprised look on his face.

"Well yes, it's not there on the east coast, sadly."

"Well stop talking and eat the damn thing!" Blake eyes widen as it looks like I'm about to take a bit of gold.

"Wait." I say tucking a napkin into my shirt because his was one of my favorite shirts and I ain't getting that ruined. "Okay."

I take a bite as the delicious juicy burger and oh my mother of Jesus it was heaven. "Mmmmm." I say as I finish my bite and wipe my face with a napkin.

"That low key turned me on." Blake said looking seriously at me.

"Eyyyyy." I say giving him a slight push.

"Can't control what god is making me do." He says.

"I think I'm gonna get a soda then head back to my dorm." Clarissa says get her bags together.

"Okay see ya!" I wave to her.

"Jake, wanna come with?" She says.

"Nah I—"

"Jake come with me."

Jake quickly get his stuff and asks away with Clarissa leaving both me and Blake to ourselves.

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