These titles will get progressively more distressing

14 3 4

Okay, I'm being really exo over B.A.P currently and I have a thing for Zelos curly hair so here's this

You had just returned from a long day at work and wanted nothing more than to crash on the sofa as soon as you had unlocked the door to your house, unfortunately for you, your plans were foiled by your terrible preparation skills. You had indeed forgotten your keys, therefore unless you wanted to sleep on your front door step, there would be no napping for you, at least until your boyfriend got home that was. You smiled slightly at the thought of him, you would kill to be curled up next to him right now but you knew he was in the dance studio practicing for an upcoming event. You figured he'd be equally as tired when he got back, you appreciate how hard he works but sometimes you feel he may over exert himself. He looks beautiful when he dances you thought to yourself but right now you'd rather see him sleeping, he needed it more than you. Deep in your own thoughts,you began to feel yourself zoning out of your surroundings, your body weakened and you very nearly drifted off right there, slumped against the door. You felt your eyelids begin to flutter shut and just as they closed you heard a chuckle, it made you jump and you felt your body jolt and you hit your head on the door behind you. The laughing ceased suddenly and you felt a firm hand around your waist pulling you off the cold floor, you looked up to see the face of none other than Choi Junhong, his dark eyes searching for a response from you but being still half asleep you didn't even register he'd said anything in the first place. He chuckled again and took his key out, unlocking the door with one hand and taking your hand in the other, he lead you into the house and gently shut the door behind you, guiding you to the one thing you'd been fantasising over all day, the sofa. You don't remember the events that led up to it but next thing you find is Junhong led with his head in your lap, smiling up at you. He asks again why you were asleep outside, you explain the oh so tragic tale of your forgotten keys and find yourself laughing as you recall your shock yet again.
"Sounds like you've had a busy day." He says, smiling up at you again, you nod and begin to innocently play with the curly mess on his head, each spiral amused you and you found yourself laughing again. You continued like this for a good 5 minutes before Zelo suddenly sat up, his unexpected action making you jump yet again. You're about to question his action when you felt his arm round you again, he pulls you towards him and you lean into his side, his warm embrace lulling you into a soft sense of calm, yet again you are hit by a wave of fatigue, your eyes slowly close and you feel a soft kiss being planted on your forehead as you drift back into peaceful rest.
"Sleep well Y/N" you hear him say as he rests his head on yours, his steady breathing sending you into a long awaited sleep.

Okay, I should probably sleep now also that was kind of cringey, hope you enjoyed anyway, I had to refrain from using the words pal and kid in that because god that would've made it so much worse. Anyways, have a good sleep aswell, sleeping is important so don't do what I do and avoid it 😂😂

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