AUTHOR'S NOTE (must read very important)!

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Hey guys I wont be updating anytime soon cause I'm grounded ! It sucks and well the reason im grounded is actually pretty funny .

This girl named Julia saw my boyfriend in the movies going to go watch bye , bye man  ( at the time she didn't know we were dating ) .  Julia decides to come over and put her hands all over my man . Pretty much busting his personal space bubble  , the entire time my boyfriend Nate was telling her he wasn't single and had a beautiful girlfriend who he loved very much . She replied with your girlfriend don't have to know babe . You can do whatever you like to me and I won't tell anybody . Then Nate told her that the only thing he wanted to do with her was get a restraining order for her crazy ass cause there was no way in hell that he would do anything with her . 

 This pissed her off ! So when he stormed off to come get me . she followed him into the movies with us . She waited until the movie was over and she saw me to come over to us and force her dry ass lips on MY MAN ! That's when my ghetto side came out I pulled her off him and slapped the living shit out of her ! Then I started screaming profanity at her in both English and Spanish . The guard at the theater was so scared of me that he didn't do shit to me until I was finished with the bitch ! Apparently my sister's friend Jayla was there cause she recorded the whole thing and sent it to my sister , then my sister showed it to my parents( My dad and step- mom  .

 So you can imagine what happened to me when I got home . One they were pissed that I was with my boyfriend ALONE ( I mean were alone at school all the time and what the fuck are we gonna do in the theater with a whole bunch of people around us ? ) Two they didn't like the way I was dressed ( I had a black crop top with pre-ripped overalls and some timber lands on . ( WTF that's how normal teen girls dress ) Three they thought that the Julia didn't do anything wrong to me ! They were going to let me off easy until I opened my mouth and snapped . I told my dad that there was no way that I wasn't going to wear my clothes that I bought with my own money . Then his wife told me to respect my dad and don't give him any back talk so I snapped at her saying that she wasn't my mom and she couldn't tell me what to do . Then she said she actually can tell me what to do and she has permission to beat my ass if she feels like I need to get my ass beat . 

So then I lost it I was going off on her and nothing was stopping me I told her that I she were to hit me I would beat her ass into a pulp she might be older than me and bigger but I could kick her weak ass any day so she could catch her one at anytime  .My dad finally stepped in and told me I was grounded for 30 days and I won't get my phone or get to hangout with Nate any time soon ( I'm still going to see him at school and were probably gonna go to his house right after to school to do homework and play video games like always my parents get home around 7:30 p.m every week night so I will probably be at Nate's house until 6:57 he doesn't live that far from me) . When Nate found out about this he busted out laughing and called me his crazy babe that he loves so much . He also said that I did it all of it for him and I'm as crazy about him as he is for me . Then he did this bad ass crooked smile while winking at me which almost made me weak in my knees . 

That boy will be the end of me !!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

So over all don't fuck with my boyfriend if you enjoy the life your living and respect your parents unless you wanna be like me ! I always respect my parents though but that bitch Julia put me in a bad mood.

Well for who ever read this thx and plz comment down below if I was wrong for snapping on that Bitch Julia and my step mom .

I'm out peace !!

- Lynn -

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