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   My day starts with waking up and getting ready for school, but people around the world do that everyday to. For me it's get on the bus, put in my headphones, and think, or what I like to call it is daydream.
I think of things that I missed out on, my future, that special person it goes on forever.

   Today I thought about that special person. I like to think about experiences that we could of had and might someday. One is what I'll say to him if I ever tell him how I really feel, how I care about him and hate seeing him with his girlfriend and being upset. I don't know why I can't just tell him how I really feel, but the truth is that I probably never will because what if it means nothing to him but everything to me.

     I stress myself over him so much that I want to pull my hair out, sometimes I wish I never had met him but then I think about how he makes me happy when I talk to him everyday and see his smile and hear is laugh. I read this thing that said how to know if u love him? It told me,"think of how would u feel if he left and you would never see him again," I know that I'll be heartbroken because I'll miss him so bad, am I foolish for caring this much, Am I just making this bigger than it really is? I really hate thinking sometimes!!

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