part one (enjoy)

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It was time for me to get metal squares on my teeth ore commonly known as braces i thought they would hurt but they only hurt about a few hours after i was eating all i could to avoid eating little or nothing at all.

So them the time came for them to be sore i was eating nothing but yogurt Ik it sounds fun it wasn't really i got bord of them easily so now i am eating most things.

recently my funny sister broke my brace on my bottom jaw i think the wire poped out of place by giving me a cereal bar from the fridge and when i bit it i felt a pokie kinda thing

So i looked in the mirror and i seen the wire had came out/loose and my next appointment is in 2/3 week awayto get a slightly thicker wire and its kinda hard to eat with the 'pokie ' and something my tongue gets caught under the 'pokie ' and it scrapes my tongue when the wire aka the 'pokie thing' it does really happen as much but it used to happen alot

My experience At the orthodontist Where stories live. Discover now