Prod: He'll be quiet for the whole entire time. When you ask him is he ok he'll just say "I'm Fine..." It won't be long until he just breaks down crying
Roc: He'll ingore you if try to talk to him. You'll be able to tell that he's sad by the look in his eyes but he'll just hide his emotions. When he can't take it anymore he'll bury his head on your shoulder and he just let it out
Ray: He'll look away from you ever time you ask him a question. He'll be quiet for that period of time but you'll hear him sniff from time to time. When he's ready to actually cry he bury his face in his hands and...well cry
Prince: He isn't afraid to hide his emotions. He'll cover his face but not because he's embarrassed. ← (the reason I say that is because in the movie he didnt look like he was ashamed of crying in front of a bunch of girls...You know what idk if I'm making any sense so im gonna shut up because im soo fucking sleepy..)

Mindless Behavior Imagines
Fiksi PenggemarThe title tells it all.. Mindless Behavior Imagines ENJOY!!