Chapter 1 : It's a Promise!

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Chapter 1

It was a warm and sunny morning of summer. The perfect time to hangout with your friends, right?

Well,except for a lonely girl of 7 years. Named (your name) (last name).

Poor little child, why so lonely?

Indeed, her life was perfect. Loving and caring parents ,a big house,An excelent education. Then, what's wrong?

She hated be with other people.

She readed multiple stories about persons who got friends and that people that they used to call 'friend' only betrayed them. So she came to the conclusion that if she had friends, those friends would betray her. And that's something she wasn't going to alow.

Of course, at first it was difficult for her not to join the playground with the other kids, and assist to birth-day parties she was very often invited, and etc.

But she got used to it.

Now every time someone ask her to be her friend, she would just ignore them.

And if they insisted, she would just glare at them and say, "For what? To then when we grow older you will betray me? I think not!"

And every afternoon their parents would try to convince her to crash that tought and have friends. Nope, she would just nod. But in her mind she doesn't cares.

But a day her parents had a plan. They would take care every afternoon of one of their friend's child. And try to see if that changed (your name)'s point of view of friendship.

The name was named Matthew Williams. Or also called as Canada. But he prefered to be called by his name than by the country.

It was a Sunday, and meanwhile (your name) was in her room coloring, the guest arrived.

Guess who is him?

Matthew Williams?

Bingo! He's the one who arrived. Matthew and (your name) had the same age. Wich was 7.

"(Your name)! Come downstairs" your mom called from downstairs

"Going!" You shouted before opening your bedroom's door and running downstairs.

You half-expected your mom saying it was time to eat dinner. Even tought she could had said that since the beggining--but anyways.

For your surprise, the first thing you catch to see was a little boy that seemed to have the same age as you. But you didn't saw well his facial feautures since he was hiding behind your mother.

"(Your name), he's Matthew Williams. He have the same age as you,'so feel free to talk to him!" You mother said cheerfully

Then she turned around and muttered to the child behind her,"Come on, Mattie, she doesn't bites... at least when she's with me..."

The boy, by the name of Matthew, slowly stepped aside and slightly lifted his gaze.

Short blonde waving hair, purple-ish eyes, and a cute curl twirling from his head and falling down until his nose.

"Mom? It this another of your attempts of making me have friends? Cuz' you're failing at it..." you said with arrogance

"Don't be so cruel. Just try...  and if you suceed I will buy a vainilla icecream" your mom said hopefully

"Well... I will TRY." You said sighing annoyed

"Well then, you both go upstairs and play. Since Mattie will be leaving at 10:00 p.m and it's just 6:00 p.m...." Your mom said as she leaded you both to your bedroom.

Once you both were alone,you just shrugged and keeped coloring what you didn't finished. While Matthew would just sit on the carpeted floor and look around the room.

"U-umm.... hi.... You n-never told  me your n--"

"It's (your name)" you said, by rudely interrupting him

"Oh..." he muttered awkwardly, then followed by a long silence.

The only sound came from the air conditioner. Awkward... silence.

"Would you like to be m-my frien--"

"No,thanks" you said interrupting him again


"You only want me to be your friend to spend time and then you would just betray me in the moment I need you the most? Wont you?" You said glaring at him coldly

And then here goes the same cycle. Rejection,inisist, more rejection,and then no friends.

"T-that not true!" Matthew said, for once rising his voice.

Your eyes went wide. For first time someone goes against you.

"Why would I do such a thing like that? A fake friend is the one that does that! But not me. Because I really,reaaally want to be your friend! And I'm not a fake frend! I'm a real friend! A friend that wants to be with you no matter what...." Matthew said

You could feel tears forming at the edge of your eyes. But you just frowned

"I don't believe you! No! I don't! In many stories  I'd read the 'friend' betrays--"

"That's j-just a story! It's not real... I really want to be your friend. And I p...p-promise you that I will NEVER betray you, and I will be always by your side" he said

You let your tears roll down your cheecks, sofly hitting the floor once they fell. Can he be saying the truth? Can you really trust him? But finally someone, had made you change your mind. Finally, a friend

"Yes, let's be friends!"you said giving a bright smile

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