Chapter 3: Good-bies never hurts...

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Chapter 3

"Damsel in distress? I think not!" You shouted to Alfred

Alfred was just snickering at your reaction before saying, "Kidding, I just wanted to see you closer, that's all"

You just rolled your eyes annoyed. Then you standed up and when your hand was about to take the doorknob, Alfred interrupted you by grabing your wrist and stopping you.

"Where are you going? It's barely 5:00 a.m!"

"Yeah, I know, but I just want to see some tv since I'm already up. Why return to sleep?"

"...Good point" Alfred said in a poker face

Meanwhile you both were talking, Matthew felt slightly jeaulous. Why? Since Alfred came to visit too, he hasn't stopped to talk to you. But Matthew still didn't knew what was revenge that he just shrugg it of, and instead felt happy that you both seemed to be good friends.

But a side of him still felt jeaulous. A tiny, little part.

Had you heard the story about the mustard seed? That the seed is so little at first, but it ends growing in a big, huge tree?

Well, Matthew's jeaulously was like that tiny mustard seed.

-One week later-

"Mattie! I'm home!" You greeted as you opened your home's door. Expecting to see Matthew sitted down on the couch, to then turn aroun to smile at you; you got tackled to the floor and then tightly hugged by an american.

In other words; Alfred

"Heeeey dudette! How ya' going? I missed you all day long, dude! How wuz ya' day?" He said while hugging you

"A-Alfred! Get off of me! You are heavy!" You yelled trying to push him off

"Sorry!" He apologized while standing up and offering his hand to help you stand up too

But you just rolled your eyes and standed up by your own. Then you scanned the room looking for Matthew. As soon you noticed him, you ran to him and greeted him with a hug.

"Hi, (your nickname), how was your day?" He asked smiling kindly

"Erm... not so good. I almost got a behavior report because another girl's fault.."

"(Your name)! Honey, hi! How are you?" Your mom asked

"I think you heard me when I told Matthew..." you said awkwardly

"Well, yes. But guess what! I have great news! Matthew and Alfred are now going to your same school! Isn't it wonderful?" You mom said cheerfully

Your eyes went wide.

"Whaaaaaaaaat!?" You said schocked

Of course, you was happy that now you and Matthew are going to spend  more time toghether... But the problem was that if they both were going to be with you, other persons in your school will realize thwt you have friends! And if that happens, everyone will ask you again! And then you would have to go trought all the stress of being asked to be friend!

"Uhm... yeah.... that's an uh... good idea! Hehe..." you said while backing slowlily until reaching the stairs. And as soon your feet hitted the first stair's step, you fastly turned around and ran to your room.

"... that was not the reaction I were expecting..." your mom muttered

As soon you opened the door, you closed it shut and layed your back against it.

"What if they both become popular, get more friends, and forget me?" You asked concerned and worried at yourself

Then you fell down, with now the knees and hands against the floor.

"What if I do something wrong and they hate me?" Again you asked to yourself

-Next Day-

"(Your name)  we have to talk..." your mom said

"Wut?" You tried to say, since you had your mouth full of hojalda[1]

"Your father got another job..." your mother said almost stuttering


"We are going to move to the other side of the country" she said

You was about to nod in response until it suddenly hit you.

You're going to move...and you won't see Matthew niether Alfred...until...never?!

"What?! WHAAAAAAT?! We're going to move to the other side of the country?! Are you nutz?! I want to stay heeeeere!" You said clenshing your fists and almost hitting it against the table

"Sorry,sweetie.... but we must.... I know you had be a very good friend with Mattie and Alfie, but..." she said worried while biting her lower lip

"But we must move..." she said finishing the sentence

"No... I don't want go! .... I want to keep here! I--"

"Enought, young lady! We are going to move wether you like it or not!" Your dad scolded

"Ok, let's do a deal..." your mom said breaking the heavy atmosphere

"(Your name), you are going to move with us to the other side of the country... and when you get your 18 years, you can come back here and see if you can find again Matthew and Alfred.... ok?" Your mom said

"B-but mooom. I'm just 10..." you muttered

"Correction, you are 10, soonly to be 11. So you're going to practically wait 7 years more" your mom said.

"Ok..." you mumbled

"Then the deal is sealed!" Your mom said smiling while clapping her hands together just once.

-A week later-

"Ready?" Your mom asked

"Ready..." you muttered

"Ok, so we can go now" your dad  said

The car was starting. Ready to go on the road. You just stared blankly at the car's window. You remembered your whole childhood here in this town.

When you didn't had a friend... until you meet him. And then his brother... what good memories. And now? You're leaving... leaving the memories. Leaving how you meet them. Leaving the way they smiled kindly and cheerfuly at you when you arrived to your home. And when Alfred tackled you to the floor to just knock the air out of you.

Haha, that silly boy...

But your smile faded away when you remembered Matthew, your first friend. You're going to miss him horribly. But...

"(Your name), do you want to pass by to Matthew's and Alfred's house to say goodbie?" Your dad asked

"No... it's ok" you simple said while staring at the window

Your dad just gave a concerned look and keeped driving.

"Ah... (your name), Matthew's mom texted me that Matthew is going to really miss you, so she asked if we could stop by their house and give a last good-bie...  do you want to go?" Your mom said

"No... it would hurt more..." you muttered

"What? I quite didn't catch what you said"

"No! It's fine"

"Oh... ok..."

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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