lost Ones Found pt two

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Lost Ones Found (Raven and Ahmari)

     The crowd went crazy as Ahmari was lifted into the air by his team. He had made the winning touchdown and now, his team was undefeated. He knew that the talent scouts from the NFL would be signing him, tonight.
        Ahmari stood with his team as the field emptied out; half of the crowd was headed into the gymnasium to watch tonight's graduation ceremony. Ahmari and his best friend, Jaquese, decided that they were going to attend the ceremony to watch their friend, Deandre, walk the stage. The three had come a long way since high school; Deandre was heading off to law school and Ahmari and Jaquese were being scouted tk go pro. Life was looking for the three ghetto boys from The Jungles.
     Ahmari and Jacquese fell into the gymnasium just as names were being called. Ahmari surveyed the crowd and saw a lot of the chicks he had smashed on campus. None of them were worthy of his love nor future. Ahmari swore to never love any girl, again. They were just not worth his efforts.
      “Deandre Jackson” the gymnasium errupted in cheers and claps. The three boys were a big deal on campus, esoecially to the serorities. Ahmari and Jaquese shouted and pumped their fists to get their boys attention. He saw them and waved as he collected his folder with his schools symbol on it and degree.
      “Raven Johanson.” Ahmari felt his heart and time stop. He could not believe the name that he was hearing. There was no way in hell that Raven, his Raven, had been going to the same college as him all of this time, and he did not know it. But when he looked up, there she was. She was dropped dead beautiful and flawless.
Her hair was done up cute and her skin was glowing. She had the same beautiful yet shy smile. Everything was moving slow as Ahmari watched her collect her degree. He could not help but think of the last time he saw her and what had happend between them. He felt his heart aching, all over again. If it was anything that he regretted in life, it was pushing Raven away.
       Raven grabbed her degree and grinnedon the inside and outside. She thought that this day would never come, but here it was. It was not easy at all, especially with having had a baby right before college started. But life was about to get batter for her and her baby boy.
      Raven stepped off stage and watched the rest of her graduating class walk. She sat next to her best friend, Melissa. The two had met while working at a department store and Melissa had been there for Raven when she really needed a shoulder to cry on. The two were so excited to be starting their new lives.
      Once everyone had been called and the graduated tossed their hatd in the air, everyone wondered around; trying to find theit families. Deondre found his boys and the congradulated him. He was ready to drink. Ahmari told heem he would meet the outside, so they left him to stand there. Ahmari watched Raven as she walked up to a woman Ahmari had never seen before. But what took his breath away, was the four year old boy the wrapped his arms around Raven and smiled at her. Ahmari knew by his smile that that was the baby that Raven had been carrying rren he told her to get out of his life. What was more of a slap to the face,was that the little boy looked just like him. Ahmari felt the devul taunting him, right to his face. All along, he knew that he was the only man that Raven had bern with. But he let himhilf convinve himself that he did not get her pregnant. In addition, after that day, he never saw Raven or a baby, so he assumed that she had either had an abortion or disapeared. Her never thought that he would be staring at her and his son.
      Ahmari felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes at the realization that he had had a son in the world, and the woman he loved had been on the same campus a s him for four years, but he had been so wrapped up in his self, that he had not even noticed. He never took the time to even look for Raven and see if she was okay, let alone if she had actually given birth to his off spring.
      He stared at his son and felt like a million planets away from him. He loomed just like him when he was four. He saw the way they interracted and realized how much they loved each other. Even though Ahmari had done what he had done, Raven still found a way to be the bigger person. He knew no amounts of flowers or apogy notes could fix what he had done, but he had to say something to her. He just wanted her in his life, even if that menat as the bad guy hated and regretted.
       Ahmari followed far behind Raven and her guests as they headed out the the parking lot. As the crowd began to thin, he felt his heart beating fast against his chest. He was nervous as fuck. He was even afraid. For a second, he wondered if turning around and walking away would be the best thing for them. What good could he bring tk their lives when he had been absent since day one? What if Raven felt nothing but venom for him and how he had done her? Although that shit was hurting him, he knew he could not punk out of the situation. Ahmari did not believe in coincidences. He knew God was behind the wheel of everything that was happening. This was Ahmaris final shot to do the right thing.
      “Raven?” He called out once he got close enough. Raven turned and her smile faded the second she lay eyes on Ahmari. She could not beleiev he was standing there. She could not believe that he even rememebered her. For the first year and a half of her being at that college, she had watched him and even attended his games. But she knrw hr never saw her. She needed to break her heart to get over him. And now, here he was. He still looked as handsome as ever to her. He still made her blush and feel like a young school girl. But what did he want from her?
      Ahmad walked to the side of his mother and gripped her hand. “Mommy, who is he?” Ahmad adked with his big beautiful eyes. Ahmari could not helo but stare at his son. Raven saw how Ahmari looked and Ahmad and she knew that the cat was out of the bag. “Melissa, can you take the prince here to the cafeteria and get him whatever he wants? I will be right there. Melissa rolled her eyes, but took her God sons hand and headed off. She did not like Ahmari because she knew that whole story and could not understand how he could never look for Raven and their child.
      The two stood there in silence for a while. Raven was becoming uncomfy as her emotions began to dive over one another. She was scared, sad and angry all at once. “Congarts on making the final shot. I am sure you won't have any issues getting drafted.” Ravrn said.
    “You...you were at the game?” Ahmari asked. “Not this one, but I heard. “
“This one? You have been to others?”

     Raven dropped her head in embarrassment,  but quickly picked it back up. “Yes. Just becaude you did not notice me, does not mean I have not known about you being here.” Raven said.
     “Why didn't you tell me or call or something? The second he asked, hr wished he hadn't. He knew the answer already.
    “Reach out for what? You did not want me, Ahmari. You broke my heart. Worse. You pulle dout my heart, ripped it then stomped it into the ground. I had to do what I had to do.” Raven said with tears forming in her eyes. Her life as a mom had been hard and she felt it all washing over her.
      “I know he is my son. I knew it when you told me. I was just afraid because I had to be responsible for my family and their future. Raven, I am so sorry. I missed his birth. His first steps. I was not there for you. You were here, the whole time and I missed everything. I am so…”
      Ahmari felt weak as it sinked in what hr had done. He fell to his knees and held Raven by her waist. He owed her everything. She had not killed their son, but raised him and finished school. She had even been showing up to Ahmaris games. In spite of it all, she had been a real woman. Ahmari wanted to spend the rest of his life, fixing what he had broke. He did not know if Raven would allow him to, but he would do whatever it took to be a family with her.

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