"Finally!" I said as I grabbed my knife, "Its been an Eternity" As I walked further I came across a Flower, It spoke, "Howdy I'm Flowey, Flowey the... *gasp* Chara! Its really you! It's me your best friend... remember" I finally realized who it was, I told it, "Asriel???... I ThOughT I TolD yOu To GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I Grabbed my knife out and told Asriel, "I'm not your 'Friend' anymore and if you don't stay out of this. I WiLl kIlL yOu! GOt ThAT!!!!" My eyes turned black and Black ooze dripped from my eyes and mouth. I looked awesome. The look on Asriels face was so funny, I told him if he joined me on my killing spree then I wouldn't kill him... He agreed.