Never forget you // Jiley

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Never forget you - MNEK ft. Zara Larsson

3rd person's POV

Looking. Staring. Gazing. Nothing in particular was drawing the fragile girls attention to the white wall in front of her but her own thoughts. Her own pain. A tear rolled down her cheek. Only one. She had let so many escape that there were hardy any left. Pathetic. The word that immediately sprung to mind when observing herself. Riley felt pathetic. Why should she be crying? She's not the victim. He is. The guy who treasured Riley like no other person. The guy who would risk everything just to be with her. The guy that she once called hers. Yet he doesn't belong to her anymore. He doesn't belong to anyone now. He's alone just like Riley. You could argue they're in the same position. Although there is one fact that counterbalances that very theory. The reality of James loving her too much and Riley not loving him enough.

Riley scrunched up the bottom of her maroon jumper, using it to wipe away the tear that had reached the bottom of her face. The trace of the tear was left upon that very jumper that once belonged to James. She hasn't given it back. She couldn't bring herself to do so. And plausibly, James hasn't asked for it back. He likes the idea of Riley still holding onto a part of him. She doesn't want to let go and I guess a small part of James doesn't want her too. He never wanted to say goodbye. He never wanted to let go but it was destroying him. The thought of her with any other man sent pain shooting through his body. Through his heart too. The guilt was eating Riley alive. The pain doing the same to James. Separating seemed to be the best option. Or so they thought...

"Ri, dinners ready!" Emily, Riley's older and much wiser sister calls from the kitchen. She knows all about this situation and is as devastated as she could be. Yes, she cared for James. Of course she did. He made her sister happy and still in many ways does. Though she hasn't masked the idea that she's annoyed. Emily can't grasp how easy both Riley and James have given up on each other. She's definitely not justifying Riley's mistake, there's no way she can. Nonetheless did she justify James' mistake when he kissed Beth. Both of them have messed up. They were bound too. After all, first loves are never the fairytales you wish they were. If everything was to be all so perfect, no one would ever know the real meaning of love. It's not just about loving someone, it's about fighting for them too. The only way that's ever going to happen is by experiencing valleys. Moments that are some times to hard to handle. Those memories are the ones you cherish. Because when you love someone, no matter the problem, you stick by them. Always.

Emily was craving for James and Riley to realise that. Maybe when they did, that fairytale would continue and instead of Prince Charming winning, the real King would over power any feelings that Riley once felt for Alfie.

Riley's stomach turns. She hasn't eaten in a couple of days. The thought of digesting anything is enough to fill her up. But knowing that she can't run away much longer, she picks herself up and drags herself downstairs to join the rest of the family. They're all laughing. Having a good time. If only Riley could say the same. Although pity isn't something she's searching for. She doesn't deserve it. Instead she's searching for comfort. Something that she can hold on to, to make her feel that little bit secure. I guess James' jumper acts just like that. A comfort. It's a reminder, a memory of everything that once was. Everything that existed before she made one mistake and brought it all crumbling down.

"You feeling ok?" Emily asks as Riley takes a seat at the dinner table.

"Uh, I'm not hungry." Riley stammers making eye contact with family surrounding her.

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