Company // Trittany

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Company - Justin Bieber

Brittany's POV

I wake in the dark. Nothing but pitch black surrounding me. I blink a few times, allowing my eyes to adjust to the lack of light. I hear rain knocking against the window, the boom of thunder vibrating through my body. I bloody hate storms. I always have done and think I always will do. I jump a little as the room flashes. It was lighting. Looks like there's a serious storm happening. As I glance over at the clock beside me that reads 1:29am, I use my right arm to pat the bed beside me, wanting some comfort from Trevor as I shake a little. Storms really freak me out. I expect to feel Trev however he's not there. I roll to my right to make sure he's definitely not there. He isn't. I ponder a second about where he could be. I snap my head towards the en suite but there's no light on, the door is open. He can't be in there. I'm tempted to simply go back to sleep but my mind is so curious that I have to know where he's at. I somewhat jump from the bed, wrapping my purple dressing gown round me and leave the bedroom. I tiptoe to the stairs, slowly making my way down them. At first I think he could be in the kitchen due to how much of a pig he is when it comes to food. However, as I reach the bottom of the stairs I'm welcomed by the sound of the TV. I enter the living room to see Trevor sprawled across the sofa, a several packet of crisp wrappers left on the coffee table. He's seems to be watching some sci-fi film.

"Oh, hey babe. Did he storm wake you?" Trev asks, tilting his head back as if he's telling me to sit with him.

"Yeah, I'm terrified." I squeak as another booming noise sends shivers down my spine. Trevor chuckles, grabbing my hand and pulling me onto his lap. The noise of his steady breathing starts to settle me a little. As does the feel of him against my skin.

"It's ok baby. It'll pass soon." He soothes.

"Mhm, what you doing down here though?" I ask, snuggling against his warm chest. He's. it wearing a t-shirt. Not that I'm complaining though. He's freaking hot.

"Couldn't sleep so thought I'd watch a film. I would've put it on in the bedroom but I didn't want to wake you." He chuckles. "Although the storm did a pretty good job of that itself."

"I hate it." I murmur. Trev leans down and places a kiss on my forehead. "What's this shit you're watching?"

"Excuse me? This is Star Wars your criticising. How dare you." He gasps in fake anger.

"Ugh, I don't know how you watch these."

"Rather easily actually. They're better than all your romantic crap. If I have to watch the notebook one more time then I might just chuck you outside in the storm." Trev mocks.

I giggle as he sighs heavily, a disgusted look on his face. For a while we sit in silence. A comfortable silence though, not an awkward one. Trevor's too engrossed in his film whilst I'm simply enjoying his company. Trevor is infectious. I've always found myself drawn to him. It's like I feel as though I'm not fully me when he's not around. People always used to tell me that I should never let a man complete me. Although I didn't see why not. If that man is someone you truly love and takes care of you, then by all means let him complete you. It takes a certain type of man to be able to get it. To understand that a woman who's used to being mistreated, misused and misunderstood doesn't really know what a 'happy' relationship feels like. So it takes a certain type of man to want her to know that feeling, and to have the patience to walk her through it as she gets used to a new sort of normal. A loving normal. A stress free normal. A happy normal. And Trevor is that certain type of man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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