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*The Next Morning*    

Diggy:Babe Wake Up we gotta get ready

             *Diggy look under the Blanket*

Tatiiee: Babe who you talking to?

Diggy: Oh I thought that you were Oh Never mind why you didn't wake me up!?

Tatiiee: That's why I camed in here to tell you but i think your imaginary friend woke you up or something 

Diggy: i don't have an imaginary friend -.-

Tatiiee: Hahaha if you say soo...

Diggy: -.-

Miryam: Babe wake up!

Prince: 5 more mins

Miryam: if you don't wake up your not gonna take a bath with me

Prince: *Wakes up and jump out of bed* Okay let's go take a bath

Erika: Everyone hurry up we gonna be late 

    * Everyone was getting ready*

They went Downstairs

Erika: Yall finish?

Prod: Im Hungry 

Erika: *Sighs* Go Hurry Up!

Prod: Okay *Smiles*

*Prod Walking*

Prod: ahh my little belly imma feed you don't worry

*10mins Later*

Prod:Okay We Could Go Now

Everyone: Finally!

       *They Went in the car and left*

Steph: Hold Up!

        *Prod Stop's the car*

Steph: We Forgot My Babe

*Everyone started laughing*

Prod: He"ll take his car

 *Steph Phone Ring*

Steph: Hello

Jojo:That's not funny 

Steph:I'm sorry babe 

*In The Background*

Ray: Hahahah we left your ass!

Jojo: Tell Ray that he could kiss my ass!

Steph:Ray Jojo said that u could kiss his ass

Ray:HELL NAAAH that shit is nasty has hell

Steph:Okay u guys well bae see u at school

Jojo:iight bye

Steph:Love you

Jojo:Love u2

*At school*

Steph:I have french class


*Jojo arrived*

Jojo:U guys are not funny

Roc :We didnt knoe that ya ass stayed at tha house !



Prod: What ?

Erika :I start in science

Prod:At least i have smeone i know with me !

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