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"Dear future wife,       

You are my everything. Remember that.  Your smile, your hair, the way you talk.  Everything. I love you for who you are, and who you aspire to be. My heart skips every time I hear someone mention your name.  Don't forget me my ray of sunshine.  I will always remember you, no matter where we are.  Apart or together, you'll always be in my heart. I love you."                                                

                                                            -Your future husband,                                        

                                                                  Choi Minho <3


People lined up outside of the church. Millions of girls cried. The sun didn't even bother to come out. Instead it was hiding behind the big ominous dark rainclouds. Even the sky was gloomy. She stood silently in the empty kitchen. What was she staring at? Nothing in particular. She clutched her chest again. The pain came back. Her sobs described her broken heart. She couldn't take the pain anymore. 

The letter hung on the fridge. He'd hung it there purposely the first day they moved into that apartment as a married couple. He did it to remind her of the love he had for her, their everlasting love. 

"Hang in there." she heard his voice whisper. 

The other four boys ran to her immediately when they heard her cries from the living room. The sight of seeing her like this broke the youngest one's heart. He tried to be strong, but he had been his best friend, he's been like his brother. He hugged her tightly as they both couldn't hold their tears anymore and sobbed. 


The casket descended slowly. The rain began to fall. And she held onto his letter even tighter against her chest. 

"No matter where we are, apart or together, you'll always be in my heart." his voice echoed in her head again.

"I love you." 

She wanted him back. She wanted to hear his voice. She would do anything in the world just for one of his bear hugs. She wanted to hear his velvety voice to call her name one more time. She wanted him. 

"No! come back!" the young one cried out. "You can't abandon us!" the other boys held him back, "Not now..." he whispered in surrender.

"Taemin, be strong." the umma of the four hugged the boy with the sparkly eyes trying to console him. 

"We have to." they gathered around him.

"for her." the leader pointed at the woman holding the soaked piece of paper.

"For him, too." the second oldest pointed at her swollen tummy.

"You have to stay strong."  Those were his last words to her before getting onto the car. He was going on tour. 

"You have to come back." were hers to him. 

"I promise."

But he didn't. It had been the only promise he had ever broken to his beloved wife. And those were the words that had hurt her the most. 



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