The wedding drama and ron.

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The day of the wedding comes I'm with Ginny getting ready when I hear a knock on the door
"I got it gin." I walk to the door open it " well I'm surprised to see you here." Ron said
"I'm not talking to you. Your sister is in there." I point to a door "gin I'm going to see harry." I say
"Ok. Bye " she says
I walk out and shut the door walk down the hall and break down crying.
"Mione what's wrong?" Ron asked
"Go away!" I said still crying
"Why are you crying?" Ron asked
"Why do you care?" I said angrily
"Ron are you here?" I asked as I walked in
"Yeah I'm in the living room. But why would you care?" Ron said angrily
"Why would I care you're my boyfriend. That's why I care." I said
"Not any more I'm not." Ron said
"What? Why?" I asked
"You're cheating on me with Henry." Ron said " have a horrible life!!!" And with that he slammed the door
I broke down crying.
End of flashback
"Ron?" I asked
"Yeah" he said
"Remember Henry ?" I asked
"How could I forget the guy that you cheated on me with ?" He said angrily
"He's my dad." I said
"You cheated on me with your dad?" He asked very confused
"No." I said laughing " I didn't cheat on you. "
" oh that makes more sense. Mione will you be my girlfriend? I mean I understand if you don't wan-" Ron asked but he was cut off by my lips on his. "Is that a yes?" Ron asked
"Yes!" I said " we'd better go Harry's probably looking for you." I said
"And ginny you. " he said
At the ceremony
"Do you Harry James Potter take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife ?" Asked McGonagall
"I do ." Said Harry
"And do you Ginevra Molly Weasley take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Asked McGonnagall
"I do "said ginny
"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride "said mcgonnagall
Harry and ginny kiss
"That will be us someday." Ron whispered to me
"Someday." I said

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