Forever Is Over

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Was inspired ot make my own spin on this story. Including all of The Saturdays. 

It was an early morning in september as Mollie King walked down a stone road. Her hands kept inside her coat  as she slowly made her way over to the grass. Birds chirping in the distance as the sun shined blissfully against the area. Taking a deep breath in as a smile spread across her face as she saw her four best friends, Frankie,  Una, Vanessa and Rochelle. "We sitting on the floor? This is a new coat but I suppose I'll plant my rear here." She said with  a smile gracing her lips as she looked at her four best mates as they smiled back at her. Slowly she sat herself down and then looked over at the girls "Hello girls" she said the smile stuck on her face.  The cold breeze of wind rushed by and Mollie giggled to herself. The breeze giving her chills but she only smiled because the breeze was reasuring. "Oh that reminds me, Una" Mollie stuck her hand in her pocket and got out a four leaf clover. "Found it at a shop and they were ingraving names into it. I bought it and got yours engraved. Thought you might like it" She placed it next to Una and smiled 

The girls sat together with what felt like hours. The sun shined down but the simple breeze kept Mollie cool. It was going to start getting a lot more cold in London. Winter was just around the corner.  She didn't mind the gentle winds that passed agaisnt her rosy cheeks.  "So  I was thinking the other day" Mollie laughed as she spoke to all four girls,  "Remember that time you slipped on stage with your feet up in the air, Rochelle?"  Mollie laughed again "That gave me such a good laugh" Mollie turn towards Frankie "Or remember that time we  kissed on the radio" Mollie giggled "Rochelle's reaction was priceless"   All day they sat there reminisin on the old times that they had. "Remember being put together as a band?" Mollie pipped up in the conversation.  "Remeber our first few shows, interviews and what not" Mollie sighed "The first photoshoots.."  Most of these things had faded from their memories though. They could only remember bits and peices.

It was hard for Mollie to remember all the cities that they had visited. "We went world wide ladies!" Mollie said slowly striking her fist up. She couldn't even begin to recall all the Tv shows they had appeared on in her mind either. Yet there was one memory Mollie could never forget "Girls, remember when we got our first number one?"  She smiled big  "That's a feeling we all would never forget? Remember how hard we worked and how many times we tried to get to a number one, but of course we ended up at number 2" She sighed "we never thought we'd make it didn't we? We lost hope in ourselves for some time. " Her friends were silent after she said this. They all understood. "We felt like we just weren't cut out" Mollie shook her head "But we made it to number one. We then traveled the world just like we wanted to. We lived our dreams" Mollie knew that no words really coul describe what they had gone through together. They all met as five strangers despite Frankie and Rochelle already knowing each other.  They became a band, but most imporantly they became a family. They were truly sisters" Oh by the way Vanessa.. I saw Gary the other day. He's doing alright"

She nodded with a smile "He says he misses you and hes hopeing to see you soon" Mollie said looking at Vanessa.  She sighed as she reached her hand out over to Vanessa. "I bet you miss him too huh? It's really sad that you haven't seen him Lately"  The sun was now starting to make its descent from the sky above them.  She hadn't called her family or eaten all day but this reunin with her friends was the most important thing to her. Mollie turned over to Una "I saw Aoife belle the other day as well. She's turning out to a fine woman. She looks so much like you. I swear when I saw her I thought it was you when you were younger. She wanted me to tell you she misses you."  She said with a nodd "I could say the same about Alaia mai" She said turning towards Rochelle "I swear she's like a mini you" Mollie said with a smile "She misses you as well." Mollie then turn towards Frankie "Parker is so handsome i'd take him myself If I could" She let out a loud laugh titling her head back. She heard the girls laugh as well which made her smile as she looked at all of them.

"I want you girls to know I'm okay. After we broke up and stopped perfomring. I realized there was more in life than being in a girlband and being famous. We had a long and good run." Mollie nodded " Got married had a couple kids and even got to do things with fashion that I liked. Haven't been able to do a photoshooot in a long time though" This caused her to laugh  hearing the girls laugh around her too. This made her smile again as she looked at them.  "I was even well enough to visit Marvin a few months ago"  She looked down "Unfortunally he is not doing as well. Marvin said that he stopped walking two years ago,but he's in a wheel chair. He doesn't know how much longer he's going to last, but he's missing you dearly and says he will be looking forward to seeing you. I told him not to worry and that he'd get his feeling back in his legs eventually."  Now it was getting dark and Mollie could hear a car pull up. The sun setting lit the area where the five girls sat on the grass.  The chriping of the birds stopped and replaced with the sounds of crickets in the distance. "Oh looks like it's getting way later than I would we expected. I think that's Aiden coming for me. Think we should get going, girls. We all could use the rest." she paused"  I think" 

She bit her lower lip as she glanced at her sisters one more time.  "Oh I almost forgot. I got these flowers at the shop before coming here. She said as she picked them up off the ground and then placed one flower on each shiny tomb stone in front of her. She  then stood up and looked at each rose laying across each tombstone that she had just placed down. "I really do miss it all girls" she whispered. " It's sad that we all grew up so fast" She sighed "But we grew up together. We become five beautiful women. With families of our own. We rocked the world" She said a small smile on her face. A boy came up to Mollie. Mollie smiled "Time to go Mum?" She said and Mollie nodded taking her sons hand. Finally walking away she turned around and took one final look at The Saturdays.  Mollie was the last one alive, but still stricken with a serious illness that went with Old age. "Forever is over..." She said as she then turned and walked back with her son to the car. Getting in and driving away.

Two weeks later Mollie was able to join her friends again. One more tomb stone was added to that grave yard. They were reunited once again and they got to play one last show together.

 Check this link it's crucial to the ending.

And the fans would never forget the five girls that changed their world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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