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  Scarlet Castle has  always been in the dark. She kept to herself, never wanted friends, and had the darkest secrets. She never wants or plans to fall in love and break the promises she has made to her self. She trys to stay away from the community.  She loves to be alone. Everything changes when she meets someone just like her. His name is Luke Hemmings and he is broken, and loves to be alone, and has always been hidden, he has dark secrets too. Luke can sometimes be happy and outgoing. Scar and Luke have the most in common that anyone can possibly have. Will they end up falling in love and beable to be more social together? Actually have a better life, by being happy and letting go of their secrets along with everything else? Can LUke bring her out to whre sheis Happy and outgoing sometimes to or will she be falling apart slowly? Read to find out.

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