Divas Champion

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Kyla's P.O.V.

"And here is your New Divas Champion, Kyla Uso."

I can't believe this.. I'm the new divas champion. I stood up and grabbed my title, and walked up the ramp. When  I got backstage I was hugged by Jon, Joe, Nikki, Alex, and Patty.

"You did amazing out there sis."
"Thanks, I'm gonna go find Dolph, I'll meet you at your car Jon."

I walked into the locker room and saw him talking to Randy Orton. We've  never really hung out but, I do know that he is pretty cute. My thoughts were interrupted by Dolph.

"Hey, baby girl you did great out there, congratulations."
"Thanks Nick."

"Baby girl, are you guys like a thing?" Randy questioned.

"No, baby girl has sort of became my nickname."

"Oh, Congratulations by the way, you deserve it.

"I'm gonna go to my match, I'll catch up with you guys later." Dolph left.

"Hey, would you like to go out on a date sometime?" I could tell he was nervous.
"I would love to, text me."

I left and started walking to the car, when Nikki came up to me.
"So what's up with you and Randy?"

"Nothing is up with me and Randy, we're just friends." I lied
"Really, cause it didn't look like nothing."
"I'll tell you later, I have to go."

I finally got to the car. Once I got in Trinity attacked me with questions about Randy.

"So what's going on with you and Randy?" I looked up and saw Jon glaring at me.

"How does everyone know about us?"

"Wait their is an us?" Jon asked.

"No their is not an us. He just asked me out on a date, that's it."
"WHAT, no date." Jon said

"Trin a little help."

"Jon, Kyla is old enough to make her own decisions. If she wants to go out with Randy she can."

"Fine, but if he hurts you, he's dead."


When we got to the hotel I received a text. Randy.

R- Hey you free tomorrow night?

K- Yea.

R- Can I pick you up for our date tomorrow? 8 okay?

K- Perfect. See you then.

I turned off my phone and looked up at Jon as he handed me my room key.

"Room 679, your with Nic."

I walked up to elevator waiting for it to come down.
"Need some help Kyla?" I turned around to Randy.

"Uhh, yea thanks" As he took one of my suitcases from my hands, our hands touched. I felt Sparks.

We stood in a comfortable silence until the elevator came to the lobby.

"What floor on you on?" He asked

"Six, what about you?"

"Same here."
By now the elevator had reached the six floor.

"So what are we doing tomorrow night?"

"Well I can't tell you that it would ruin the surprise, but I can tell you to bring a swimsuit."


By now we had reached the hotel room. We said our goodbyes and I went inside.
Nic wasn't there. As I walked further into the room I saw him sleeping. Of course.

I got out my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash and went to go have a shower. After I got dressed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I feel into a deep slumber

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As soon as my head hit the pillow I feel into a deep slumber.

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