Chapter 1

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The clock loudly ticking as I lay silently on my bed, my face flooded with tears. All I had left was the memory of him. Oz. He's gone, and I have no idea when he's coming back. Although I appreciate it, Buffy's attempt to cheer me up isn't really working. I don't think I can ever get over this nightmare. Oz was the one person I could open up my heart too, I loved him. But he's gone, and I have no idea when he's coming back.

There was a soft knock at the door to my dorm room. At this moment, I'd managed to stop crying, but I was still too depressed to get up and answer the door. Another knock, a little firmer this time.

"Come in" I said with a dispirited tone to my voice.

Riley came in, slowly shutting the door behind him. He's a teaching assistant in my psych 105 class. 

"Hey... Willow. I was hoping you could help me with something. I want to ask Buffy on a date. I don't really have any idea what her interests and likes are. But I know she likes you" Riley annouced.

I must have blanked out. All I could think about was when Oz was going to come back. 

"Willow?" Riley broke in to my silence. "Are you ok? You look a little..."

"I'm fine. I just had my heart ripped out of my body but no, I'm fine" I replied.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea.. I should come back another time" he suggested.

"No it's fine honestly, what is it that you need?" I asked.

"Well, I want to ask Buffy out. But I get a little nervous around that department. I'm not really quite the guy to ask a girl on a date. But you and Buffy are like sisters, so I figured you could help me out? Tell me what kinda stuff she likes to do?" Riley continued.

Dating was the last thing I wanted to talk about. It had only been 3 days since Oz left Sunnydale. But I agreed to help him. Maybe it would take my mind off the fact that Oz has gone. And I have no idea when he's coming back.

I sat upright on my bed, grasping the stuffed bear that Oz gave me the first week we started dating. It smelt like him. It was my comfort zone. One of the very few memories I had left of him. I could feel the tears brewing in my eyes so I blinked a few times to remove them. I didn't want Riley to see me cry. 

"Buffy um.. she likes to draw. She likes art" I said to Riley while looking around the room. I didn't want to make eye contact because I knew I'd start crying.

"That's great, maybe I could take her to an art exbidition? She'd like that, right? Or an art museum?" Riley went babbling on, most of my focus on the bear I was clasping in my hand. 

"Yeah, I think she'd enjoy that. Maybe take her some place simpler for a first date. Like a resturant or have a picnic at sunset. Buffy loves the sunset" I continued. "Get to know her. Ask her questions. Are you going to the party up at Johnson Hall tonight? Buffy's tagging me along, trying to lighten my mood. You could talk to her then. Ask her simple yet interesting questions. Buffy doesn't hold out well in boring or awkward situations. She's giggles like a wierdo and goes bright r... which I now know I shouldn't have told you because Buffy will kill me"

Riley chuckled. "It's cool.. her secret is safe with me. I'll keep it interesting. Keep my cool. I can be cool. I'm Riley. Cool Riley." he said nervously. "Thanks so much, Willow. You're amazing. I really appreciate this, what you're doing for me."

I gave a sort of shallow smile, still depressed. "You're welcome."

"I'll catch up with you later. Thanks again." Riley finished while he walked towards the door. He gave a little wave and smiled. "Oh and Willow?" he looked at me. "Only time can heal a broken heart" he said and left.

I laid back down on the bed and hugged the stuffed bear, sniffing it. I tried so hard to keep the tears back but my emotions took over my brain and my cheeks flooded with tears again. A few minutes later, Buffy walked in. I quickly wiped the tears from my face and greeted her with a short but sweet smile. She must have knew I'd been crying because she came straight over to me and hugged me. It was nice. 

"I miss him Buffy. I miss him so much." I cried again as I hugged my bestfriend.

"I know Will, I know you do. I know what you're going through" Buffy replied.

Buffy held my face, looked me in the eyes and erased the tears from my face with her thumb. "You're gonna get through this. I promise" she uttered and she kissed my forehead. "Now come on, I want you to get dressed. It's best friend Buffy to the rescue."

I really didn't feel like going to a party. I just wanted Oz back. But the closest I'd get to that happening any time soon is listening to his voice of the voice machine, from his old dorm room telephone. But I got up, and started to get ready. I knew if I didn't go, Buffy would be disappointed and wouldn't go either.

I went to the bathroom to get freshened.

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