Chapter 4

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I walked over to the bookshelf in my room, and opened to the page with the correct spell. I skimmed through, gathering the items I needed, and placed them all in the middle of the floor. I tidied the room a little, so I had enough space. 

The book said:

"You will need: 1 red candle, 2 white candles, a lighter and a piece of paper with the person who broke your heart's name on it."

I grabbed the paper and a pen and wrote "Daniel Osbourne" on it. Seeing his name infront of me triggered an emotion of sadness. I continued. Tara took the book that was open, on the floor in front of her. She read the spell to herself, trying to find anything that could happen, that may injure either of us. She placed the book back down and watched me place the items in the correct position. 

I placed the red candle on the floor, and put one white candle, either side of the red. I sat down on the floor with my legs crossed facing the candles and located the piece of paper with Oz's name on it, infront of my legs. 

"Could you light the candles for me? After every chant. The red one lights first. The the two white." I explained to Tara and she said she would. I sat in the position of a meditator. I lit the piece of paper and began to chant.

"I burn thy name, so it shall be, cast out of my memory. Your memory erased from my mind, no longer held by the constraits of time. I accept this now, made manifest, so shall it be"

Tara lit the red candle.

"I burn thy name, so it shall be, cast out of my memory. Your memory erased from my mind, no longer held by the constraits of time. I accept this now, made manifest, so shall it be"

Tara lit the white candle.

"I burn thy name, so it shall be, cast out of my memory. Your memory erased from my mind, no longer held by the constraits of time. I accept this now, made manifest, so shall it be"

Tara lit the final white candle and the paper burnt to dust. 

My head shot back as soon as the flame touched the final candle. Two bright lights powered from each of my eyes, and shone to the ceiling. After 10 seconds, the light vanished and I fell backwards, unconsious. Tara ran towards me.

"Willow! Willow!" she yelled, shaking me vigorously. I didn't gain consiousness. Tara ran out to get help, but as soon as she opened the door, Buffy was standing there. She saw me, lying on the floor and rushed over to see what had happened. 

"What have you done to Willow?" Buffy questioned Tara while trying to regain my consiousness.

"I didn't do anything! I.. I.. We was practising spells. We go to wicca together. She wanted to do a spell that would help her get over her heartache. I read the spell through, it didn't seem dangerous, even slightly. I don't know what happened." Tara worried. "Is she going to be ok?"

"We need to get her to the hospital now! Call an ambulance." Buffy said, loudly.

Tara left the room and used a payphone to call an ambulance. Buffy stood up and went to the telephone next to her bed and called Giles.

"Hello?" Giles answered.

"Giles! Get here now. It's Willow." Buffy said and she hung up.

She came back over to me and lifted me onto my bed until the paramedics came. Tara returned from making the call. She sat on the bed beside me, and run her fingers through my hair. Buffy was pacing the room. Giles burst in, and ran over to me. 

"What happened?"

"Magic" Tara and Buffy both said in sych with each other.

"Oh Willow, I wish you'd stop experimenting with magic you know nothing about." Giles sighed.

"On her defence, I did check the spell. It wasn't dangerous. I was with her the entire time and we did it correctly" Tara admitted to Giles.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Giles said, looking at Tara while cleaning his glasses.

"Tara. I'm a friend of Willow's" she replied.

The paramedics piled in and put me on a stretcher. Buffy, Giles and Tara all followed the paramedics out to the ambulance as they put me in. Buffy began to cry.

"Giles, I need to go with her. I can't let her go on her own." Buffy said to Giles, with tears rolling down her face.

"Of course. Do whatever you need. She'll be fine. This is Willow, she's strong." Giles answered. Buffy walked towards the ambulance and got in the back next to me. She held my hand the whole journey. 

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