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The gorgeous redhead leaned forward across my favorite table at my favorite restaurant, and from the look in her eyes, I already knew what was coming next.

"So, what do you think?" she asked. "Should we take this conversation back to my hotel room?"

The two of us were seated at a prime patio table at Ocean, a fairly classy restaurant bordering the south end of Central Park. We'd been having a pleasant conversation from our outdoor post, enjoying the mid-summer breeze which was made blessedly cooler from the shade of our umbrella. We'd been planning to indulge in a leisurely meal as we talked, but Charise's question ensured that this little luncheon was going to be cut rather short.

I eased back in my chair and assessed the fiery-haired bombshell seated across from me. Her invitation was unmistakable, and I found myself letting out with an exasperated breath. "I think there's been a misunderstanding."

"Well, maybe I should have been a little clearer," she purred, sliding a finger to trace along the swell of her ample breast. "I'm hoping you'll be able to, ah, teach me a thing or two about what a man really wants."

"That's not what I do." I'd encountered this scenario a time or two, and I'd learned it was best to just confront the situation head-on, without mincing words. "Look, Charise, I think you've been misinformed about what kind of service I provide. I'm not a sex therapist; I'm an image consultant."

I'm the founder and CEO of Swan, Inc., New York City's preeminent makeover service. People who felt stuck in the "ugly duckling" stage of their lives came to me for transformation. My services provided much more than a simple makeover, though. Aside from helping these ladies out with a new hairdo and some clothes, I also offered some intensive remodeling of a client's self-esteem. Reputedly, these methods helped to unleash a woman's inner sexpot.

It kinda went with the territory. The sex appeal was simply a happily unexpected side effect of the confidence training I provided.

Charise blinked a few times in my direction, clearly confused. "I was told that you teach women to be absolute maneaters. And after I saw the change in Darla Haagen... I mean, she was positively glowing by the time you got through with her. She said you were a godsend. She said she never experienced a better eight weeks in her entire life. I'm sorry. I guess I just assumed..."

"Sometimes people do. I'm not offended."

Most of the time, a new client and I will have engaged in a series of emails prior to our first meeting. Even if we haven't, it was easy enough for them to do their homework on their own; my website clearly lays out what it is that I do. But sometimes, like in the case with Charise, here, people jumped to their own conclusions and thought they were merely hiring a high-priced escort. Hell, even if I was in the sex therapy business, actual sex isn't a part of the therapy provided.

I gave Charise a smile, trying to put her at ease regarding the mixup. Essentially, the woman had just offered herself up on a silver platter only for me to turn her down. Rather than dwell on her undoubtedly bruised ego, I decided to point her in the right direction. "In fact, if you're looking for a sex therapist, I can recommend someone for you. I have a friend out in Arizona—his name is Justice Drake and he's the best at what he does. But he and I don't work in the same field, understand?"

Charise tipped her head to the side and eyed me curiously. "No. I guess I don't understand. I thought I was hiring you to teach me how to please a man."

"Yes, to a point. Essentially what I do is teach you how to please yourself." Charise's lip curled, confirming that her mind was spinning all over again. Before she could jump to another conclusion, I added, "I teach confidence. That's it. When you think about it, that's the sexiest trait of all, wouldn't you agree?"

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