Chapter 1

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Jill called me in the morning saying Makayla and I had to bail Jack out of jail. I threw on my suit, and raced out the door determined to beat Makayla. If you were flying above Brooklyn today, you would see red streak across the ground. Thats me. I got to the roof of the Brooklyn Jail, watching Makayla slowly fly in. "Guess I beat you again" I said with a smirk. "Oh shut up" she said, rolling her eyes. "I'll be right back" I called over my shoulder. I ran down to the main doors of the jail and flew through them, knocking out all the guards in every room before sprinting back to Makayla. "15 seconds, a new record" she smirked, pressing the button on her watch. "Lets go." We walked calmly into the jail together, finding Jack's cell. "Well well well, glad you chose to show up" he said.
"It's not our fault that Jill didn't call us right away" Makayla fired back.
"Whoa whoa whoa. Lets all calm down and break Jack out" I said between bites of chocolate.
"Ok but first, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET CHOCOLATE ELLIOT" yelled Makayla as she ripped the bars off the cell.
"Why do you need to know" I called. I grabed Jack's hand, and sprinted out the door to our apartment.

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