Oh boy, you have blood on your hands Ford

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Dipper pov
I felt better in bills arms. It was nice, even though my cheek burned.
"Pinetree? Would you like to help me with something really important?" Bill asked, petting my hair.
"Like what?" I subconsciously leaned closer to his petting.
"Like, rule the world. Wouldn't that be fun?" I thought for a bit. What would my family think. Then I brush that thought out. My family, including Mabel, hates me or distrusts me. Now I should get revenge right.

Like on those nurses that treated me badly.
Those people who made fun of me for being 'an insane'.
My family, for not being there for me.
The world that abused me for years.

"I can't wait to rule."

Nobody's POV
Bill was shocked at Dippers thought, but he liked them. Heck the kid was more demonic than Bill originally thought. He scanned his surroundings, holding his newfound 'Queen' of sorts.
"Pinetree you must go home. It will be suspicious if I keep you to long." Bill stated picking up his queen.
"Noooooo, I don't like it there anymore." Bill chuckled, and watched the sun begin to set over the trees.  He carried Dipper to the shack, his sister was downstairs so he put Dipper in his bed, because he heard the cute kitten snores, bill left his Pinetree to sleep.
Ford sat up feeling something wasn't right, and saw Dipper, in his bed in the attic, sound asleep. Ford swore that Dipper left in a calm manner after the incident. He did not feel bad really, the boy was an insane. Ford felt powerful, knowing he was smarter than that child, because he felt like the boy was in the wrong for something
Dipper was having a pleasant dream and by that bill was giving him a lewd dream, but luckily he was silent during the dream and did not end up with a problem.
Dipper  woke up to Ford staring intensely at him. He looked at Ford, fear evident in his eyes.
"Why did you come back?" He saw Mabel standing in the doorway so he acted innocent.
"Oh don't I live here?" He said innocently, sadistically smiling in his brain.
"Why did you leave?" Ford asked, anger was pushing through his voice.
Dipper went for the 'kid that's never even learned much and messes up everything' approach.
"Oh I thought you didn't like me because you slapped me so hard." Ford was bubbling in anger.
"WHY ARE TRYING TO PULL OF THIS INNOCENT BULLSH*T." Ford yelled. Mabel stood in the doorway, to shocked to do anything. Ford grabbed Dipper by the collar.
Dipper made a fake confused face, but you can't tell if it was fake. "The institute told me that those words are not acceptable." He said. Finally Ford had enough he pulled dipper by the collar, and let him slam into the headboard.  Dipper cried out in agony as the headboard gave him a migraine, and a definite bruise. Mabel burst into the room.
"GRUNKLE FORD WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO DIPPER?!?!?"  Dipper pretended to cower away from Ford, and Mabel stood in front of me. And then Ford said something unforgettable.
"That demon boy is not Dipper."
They all heard a laugh, it was familiar. And Bill popped out of nowhere.
"Oh Sixer, you gave me the best idea." I
Dipper felt dizzy, and collapsed.

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