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The Robertson family stared up at the large house in front of them, all eyes locked on the large wooden door at the front of the house that looked like it was about 10 feet thick.

"So here we are." Alex said, eyeing both her parents. "Unless we're planning on eating dinner out here in the driveway, I think we should go inside."

"She's right." Melissa said, looking over at her husband. "You ready?"

"Hang on," Jim said, closing his eyes and taking a long, slow breath before nodding over at his wife. "Let's do this."

Alex rolled her eyes. "Drama king."

The trio made their way to the door and Alex gave a firm knock, then folding her hands over her waist and taking a deep breath.

The door swung open and there stood Emily Gilmore, a bright smile on her face. "Hello, Alex."

"Hi, Grandma." Alex smiled, giving a small 'oof' as she was pulled into an embrace by the older woman.

"It's so wonderful to see you! It's been too long." Emily said, pulling away and pushing Alex's blonde curls behind her ears.

"I'll say." Alex smiled politely, to which Emily gladly returned before looking over the teen's shoulder.

"Hello, Melissa. Jim." She said, nodding at the two adults.

"Hi, Mom." Melissa said, giving an awkward wave.

That's just sad. Alex thought to herself.

"Nice to see you again, Emily." Jim said with a polite smile.

Emily gave a close lipped smile before stepping aside. "Please, come in."

The family made their way into the house as Emily shut the door behind them.

"The place looks great, Emily." Jim said as the three of them hung up their coats on the coatrack by the door.

"It hasn't changed." Emily answered curtly as she led them into the living room.

"You weren't kidding." Alex whispered to her mother as they followed her.

"Look who's here," Emily announced as they rounded the corner into the living room to see Lorelai and Rory on one couch and Richard Gilmore sitting on the other.

"Melissa," Lorelai said with a bright smile, the relief clear in her voice and actions as she got up to hug her big sister. "God, am I glad you're here."

"Oh, I know." Melissa murmured into her ear, giving her younger sister a squeeze.

"Hi, Grandpa." Alex greeted as she waded into the room with her father at her side.

The older man looked up from his newspaper and smiled upon seeing his other granddaughter. "Hello, Alex, how are you?"

"I'm great, thanks. And you?"

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