Treasuring ...your smile

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Smile...If you are a rainbow V , then the treasure at the end is your smile... At times when I feel like I forgot how to be happy,your smile did wonders.. Thank you for sharing this smile...

" Taehyung shi..."

As he was getting out of the car ,Tae heard someone calling his name. The person turned out to be PD nim.

" Yes..."

" I don't know what happened.But I know that this is not the Tae I know. You are being so quite and mature." He feared that whether the task is backfiring him.

Before he got swallowed by the sadness ,PD nim continued," V ,You are not the leader to show the mature side.Don't make me miss the innocence I look forward everyday.Do whatever you want to , but don't be this Tae that I am looking at right now.Ok?"

      He nodded his head and moved inside after giving a small smile." I wish . The smiles that I always loved come back " ,PD nim whispered.

V was getting ready for the concert when he noticed the confusion in the makeup artist's face." Noona,what happened?"

" There is something missing."

" Don't worry ,I'm sure it's fine by the way I'm seeing ."

" V,I didn't forget anything .It's you who forgot..." He got confused ," me.."

"'s your smile which is missing."He felt his heart warm by the words and a smile lit up his face.


Even though others words filled a little gap, but the gap BTS made was still large.

" Hyung..I am going outside and I'll be right back." Rapmon nodded and V went outside.

The members were thankful for the silence except for one person . The person always loved silence but somehow he hate the silence from the younger. His voice has already became part of the silence so without it , he feels empty. Suga doesn't like 3 things - when his sleep is disturbed , when he fails to get words for his lyrics and when he can't hear Tae's not stop voice.

  " Hansung..."

The name made Tae turn his head .The name has became part of him ,which is from his debut drama ,Hwarang.Before he could find out who called him ,he was enveloped by a hug.

" How is my dear maknae? ",before he saw the person ,he recognised his voice .

" Minho hyung..". It was Shinee's member,Minho otherwise his co member in Hwarang.

"Aish,this kid.You should have said Suho hyung." That was Minho's character name in Hwarang. He was happy seeing his hyung that he forgot the task for a moment and he break out in his famous rectangular smiles.

" Stop doing that smile."

But the next words stopped his heart from shattering.

"You are making my poor heart a puddle.How could this get more cuter every time?Tae that doesn't mean no more of your smile.It means more smile to satisfy my poor heart. I missed your weirdness, your smile and you."

      Even though the task was forgotten, others continued to show how much they treasure his smile....

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