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Something was very off when I got to my school. There were police cars parked along the curb, as well as news reporters trying to enter the building. Our school is about as exciting as the process of watching grass grow. Why would news reporters want anything to do with our school? I didn't know if we were even allowed to go inside. There was a large mass - slowly becoming larger - of people trying to get in. Half of the mass were reporters. The other half were students looking with wonder, curiosity, and annoyance at the jumble around them. All I wanted to do was get through the day like normal.

Pushing my way through the crowd, I found myself at the front door. I tried to open it, but there were too many people inside, and they were causing an impediment. However, I did manage to open the door wide enough so I'll be able to slide through. If it was a ruckus outside, it was a complete fiasco inside. Hallways were jam-packed with students and EMS alike. Teachers were trying to direct students to their first period classes. I was being pushed and shoved this way and that way as people rushed past me. I moved to a place where there wasn't as much motion and I could still see a full account of what was happening.

The police were standing elbow to elbow around one section of the hallway. Students walked pass, standing on tip toes, trying to peer over the officers' shoulders at the cause of the commotion. All I could spot was a body covered by a sheet; already stained with blood from the victim.

"Excuse me," I asked one of the police officers, "What happened, here?"

"Dont worry, kid. We'll have everything sorted out by the end of today," he responded, "Now don't you need to get to your classes?"

With that, he shooed me away.

"Who did this?" and "Who was murdered?" were the only two thoughts running through my head. Looking around, I noticed the crowd of police officers and students had lessened. There was less confusion in the air as students gave up on trying to find out what happened and walked towards their first period class. After a moment of thought, I walked towards mine too; English.

I groaned at the thought of another day learning about poetry. It wasn't one hundred percent the fact that I didn't like the class, it was just that I didn't like poetry. Quickening my footsteps, I grabbed my English books at my locker, and headed towards my English class. Mind racing with the atrocious images of the bloody covered sheet, I didn't notice when I ran into someone, and dropped everything I was carrying on the floor.

I looked down at my books with disdain before bending down to pick them up. My classmates were trying to get in the classroom while I stood stooped. Hurriedly, I scooped up the books and bustled through the door. Class was just about to begin as I slid into my seat.

My English professor had already begun to speak, but I was hardly paying any attention. All I could think about was the bloodstained sheet. It would be so cool to actually have something exciting happen at school! Minutes passed by like seconds today, when usually, seconds pass by like minutes. Lunch came, but I barely had the appetite to eat anything. I was still thinking about the sheet.

"Sam!" shouted Meg, shaking me gently, "I've called your name for the past five minutes! Dean's not here and you're zooming out on me! Earth to Sam here! What are you thinking about?"

Meg, Dean, and I have been friends for the past six years. I was bummed that Dean wasn't here. She's missing all the excitement.

"I'm sorry, Meg. It's just that... Have you noticed all the police officers and news reporters around the school today?"

"Well... Sort of... What about them?"

"I don't know. I think someone was murdered. I saw a blood stained sheet in the hallway, with a bunch of police officers standing around it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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