Chapter 3!! ♡

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~~~Matthew's P.O.V.~~~

I woke up at the sound of my Mariah Carey alarm. I got up and shut it off. Nick looked at me funny and then he nodded remembering that I had to take Col to school. I fell on top of him and he groaned.

"Babe it's 7:30." He said.

"Hon, I just want a kiss, or ten." I said blushing.

I got on top of him kissing him for a little bit. I pulled back out of breath. I had to wake Col up. I got off nlt before kissing the top of his head. I rolled and grabbed a Lush shirt and some skinnies.

I went to Col's room and knocked, no reply. I opened the door and she as asleep. I took a picture uploading it to Instagram and Twitter. There was already 1.2 comments and 10,000 retweets. I jumped on her bed landing on my back. She stirred before opening her eyes which caused her to fall off of the bed with a thud.

~~~Col's P.O.V.~~~

I am dreaming about how I want to meet David again. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I fell on the floor.

"Shit that hurt. " I said.

"Don't say those kinds of words, Col." Uncle Matt scolds.

"You scared the living demon out of me." I said holding a hand to my heart.

"Okay it is 7:45 and you have to be at school around 8:45. Get up and get dressed while I make breakfast." He said.

I nodded while standing up. I went to the closet and grabbed my,  music is the answer shirt and some black skinnies. I headed to the shower grabbing my beanie off of my nightstand beforehand. I went in and took a 10 minute shower while singing, They don't know about us by One direction. As soon as I got out I got dressed and blow dried my hair in he mirror.

Whenever I reached for the handle and got out of the shower Uncle Matt and Nick were sitting on my bed. They mouths were gaped open. I questioned them.

"You didn't say you could sing." Uncle Matt said.

"You never asked. I am hungry." I said walking to the kitchen.

I waltzed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed some eggs and bacon. They came down five minutes later and we all ate silently. David texted me breaking the silence.

David: Are you going to school today? They were expecting a new student in my classroom, they announced yesterday.

Me: Yeah. I will be there shortly.

David: Okay bye x

Me: Bye x

I shoved my phone in my pocket and by the expression on my face they knew it was David.

"Col, we need to go,  it's 8:30." Uncle Matt said.

"Okay, bye Uncle Nick." I said while hugging him.

"Bye hon tell me how it is." He replied hugging back.

Uncle Matt and I walked out the door and sat in his car. We drove to the school. I have only seen it in pictures that Uncle Matt took. We both walked into the school and there were alot of people, I was also claustrophobic and it didn't help alot.

We walked to the principals office and me receiving a paper with my schedule on it.

"David Bemm, please report to the principals office." The principal spoke throught the microphone.

Five minutes later, David Bemm came to the office. It was the boy from Lush. He came over to me and we picked up a conversation. Uncle Matt and the Principal were talking about my arrangements.

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