Little Lena

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Before you read the story, I would like to say this was an assignment at school. This is an kind of the reason why I haven't been writing as much recently, is because of assignments and studying for midterms which are happening this week. They will be over soon, and I'll more time to write and update my stories. Anyways, this is what my writing is like when I'm not writing romance or fan ficitons. So I hope you enjoy and give me feedback! Without further ado, I give you the story of Little Lena.

There once was a girl named Lena. She had two brothers. She had two brothers. They didn’t have parents. Their parents left a long time ago, and left Lena alone with her two brothers.

Lena was the favourite child. She was a pretty child. With her light brown hair that framed her face, and chocolate brown eyes, she resembled a doll. Everybody loved the little Lena. She was the apple of everyone’s eyes, the center of attention. And for this, her brothers hated her. Nobody cared about Kai and Sed. They were just the mistakes., the ones that came before Lena. They took their anger out on everyone by playing pranks. When their parents died, they took this as an opportunity to put Lena through what she put them through.

The three were young. Nobody would let them work, due to the misfortune the boys cause on the employers.. No source of income, left them to leave the town they lived in. The siblings hoped that maybe, just maybe, they could find work and have an opportunity to live.

The venture to another town wasn’t easy. You had to go through the woods. The woods were dangerous. Children were told to never go there. But it was all Lena and her brothers could do.

“ Are you sure we should be going this way?” Lena asked the oldest brother, Kai.

He scowled at Lena. Kai valued his pride, dignity, and had a big ego. Though he was only 15 , Kai acted like a man. “ Don’t question me.” He growled.

Even Lena’s other brother, Sed got in on it. “ Yeah Lena, you don’t know anything. You’re just a little kid that cries all day.” He grumbled at her.

Lena pouted at this. “ I’m eleven Sed, and that’s only two years younger than you!” She exclaimed. Sed glared at her. He grabbed her arm and twisted it all the way around. He was only satisfied when she let out a small cry of pain, and let go. Lena shut her mouth and continued to follow.

Lena’s brothers are something you might call sadistic. They took pleasure in seeing Lena in pain, so they did it regularly. One time, Lena even tried to tell their neighbours about the way that Kai and Sed were treating her, but before she could, Kai and Sed found out. You can only imagine the punishment that was given.

The trio walked a bit further until the sky had finally become dark. Kai and Sed began to discuss when and should they rest. They purposely left Lena out of this conversation. They saw her as a useless girl. To them, Lena was just a waste of money, space, and air. The only reason they hadn’t chased her out is that Kai and Sed promised their parents before they died, that they would take care of Lena

But, Lena wanted to help. She wanted to be of use. She opened her mouth to tell her brothers what she thought, but before she could, Kai cut her off.

“ We’re going to camp here. So why don’t you sit here, and we’ll get the firewood, and find food.. You can’t do anything anyways.” He announced. Lena quickly shut her mouth again. Yet again, she couldn’t give her two cents. The girl quickly nodded her head, obeying Kai, because she knew what would happen if she didn’t.

Lena sat down on the slightly wet ground. The fallen leaves crunched under the weight of her body. The black sky started to go darker, if that was even possible. The air became cold, and a breeze started to come. Lena crossed her arms to keep warm, but it just kept on getting colder and colder. In the distance she could hear the sound of an owl hooting.

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