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"MOM, I CAN'T FIND MY GLASSES." I yelled from the top of the staircase.

"HOLD ON I'LL BE UP IN A FEW." She yelled from the kitchen.

Well as you can probably tell my morning isn't starting off that well, but, I'm kind of used to this because this is almost every morning. I wake up, can't find something or lose something or break something etc., and mom comes to my rescue. I don't think I would be able to survive without her.

Okay how about some background about myself. I'm Malikye Freeman. I'm 16 years old and in the 10th grade. I live with my mom and big brother Kreed Freeman, he's 18 years old. Our dad, Cornel Joshua Freeman died in the Marine Corps five years ago. He's still my hero and he was the best father you could ever ask for.

"Where was the last place you had them on or did you put them down somewhere?"

"I put them on my nightstand before I went to bed last night but when I woke up they were gone... Kreed has them."

"How can you be so sure?"

I didn't even answer her question I just gave her the, you and I both know the answer to that question look. Kreed loves to play around a lot so there's no doubt he has taken them.

Me and mom left my room and went to check Kreed's room. He wasn't there of course, he left at about 6 to get to work. When we opened the door my glasses were sitting on his bed with a note. I walked over and picked it up before putting my glasses on to read it. It said:

Bro sorry to take your glasses but it was the only way to be sure that you see my note. I'm picking you up from school today because I wanted to take you out to eat. We haven't spent much time together since I got this job so I want to do this. If you want to, text me and let me know so I can know if I have to go to your school right after work or not. I'm pretty sure you'll say yes and if I don't get a text I'll pick you up anyway, so, see ya later loser.

"Mom he's being nice," I said kind of scared, "I mean he's nice but not this nice. Should I be worried?"

"Oh cut it out," she laughed a little at my response, "I think he's doing this because I may have mentioned how you two used to be before he got the job and how you two could start drifting apart."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot how close we used to be."

Mom looked at her watch, "Well it's 7:28 I think you should start heading to school. Don't forget to grab your lunch from the kitchen."

"I was hoping you would drive me today."

"I could do that, I can go to the supermarket after I drop you off, then head to the office."

"Great! I'll be ready in, 5 minutes."

I went to my room grabbed my book-bag, my phone (my earbuds already connected), and my charger. I went down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed my lunch. On my way out of the kitchen I grabbed me a tangerine.

"Okay I'm ready let's go." Mom was on the couch watching the news.

"Okay here I come." She turned the television off and grabbed her keys out of the bowl by the door.

We walked out to the car and got in. My school is about 30 minutes away (45 minutes if I walk) so I'm going to get there "on time".

While we're in the car she tells me a story about her and my dad, when they had their first date and he completely embarrassed himself. They went on a date at his parents house, while my grandparents were out on a date of their own. Everything was going great until my dad got distracted and the chicken he was baking got burned. Not only that, but he also started a small fire on the stove and fainted once he saw it.

I laughed hysterically, "Did that really happen?" I couldn't believe it.

"You may have known the brave version of him but he wasn't always like that. He would cry if he even thought he saw a spider. I broke him out of that." She finished with a smile.

"Wow," I smiled as well, "I'm glad you did that. I don't want a wimp as a dad." I heard her laugh. "He was a really good man. I miss him so much."

"Me too, kid." She glanced at me and smiled.

I smiled and looked at her. My smile quickly went away as I saw a car coming right for us.

Before I could warn my mom everything went dark.

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