I have Feelings for her: Zane~Chan Love - Love Paradise

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Requested by SkylarSkullRider

Zane's Pov.

After I catched Kawaii~chan in the water I started to grow feelings for her know I have feelings for Aphmau but I feel like their friend feelings, and she has Aaron to loved and she has me as her friend if she needs help.

I don't know but when I'm around Kawaii~chan I just get butteries and I blush lightly but my mask covers my mouth, and we have things in common we both like sweets and both like watching My little horsies. I want to talk to her about my feelings but I don't know what to say....

Kawaii~chan Pov.

Kc thinks that she is starting fall for Zane~kun...

After the fall, he caught me being in his arms felt so warm and kc felt protected.

When we looked into each other's eyes kc felt like it was meant to be......

But kc doesn't know if Zane~kun likes her as more as a friend.

-Time skip to night brought to you by a duck wearing a top hat-

Kawaii~chan and Zane where alone in the kitchen

Zane: "hey Kawaii~chan .... can I ask....... you something?"

Kc: "sure Zane~kun"

She smiled a bit

Zane: "well ever since I caught you I started to have feelings for you, and not friend feelings more like I want to be with you"

He said blushing red under his mask

Kc: "well kc likes you lots too"

She blushes as well

Zane hug her

Zane: "please say you will go out with me because I think I'm in love with you and I right now I want to be with you"

He hugs her tightly smiling down at her

Kc: "kc says yes because kc is in love with you too and she loves you're cuddles that you give her"

She smiles and kisses his cheek

Zane: "I love you"

Kc: "I love you too Zane~kun"

Word Count: 349

-    Well that's it for this chapter, it was hard to make but I got there any guys hope you had an awesome day or night and ill see you in the next chapter bye-

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