Star Wars

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These are words inspired by everyday objects and Star Wars related things. Based on those words I also added possible gender, appearance, occupation and military rank. For those lovely Star Wars fans and Fanfic writers; may the Force be with you <3

Tomato Ketchup

Tomota Puh-Teck 

(Pr.: To-mo-ta Poo-tek)

(M) Red-skin Alien, hot-headed

Orange Juice

Jugei Cro'Nean

(Pr.: Djuu-gay Kro-nee-yan)

(F) Ginger haired

Lamp shade

Dala Shemp

(Pr.: Daa-laa Shemp)

(F) Electrician

Wooden crate

Cora T. Denowe

(Pr.: Koh-ra tee Deh-no-weh)

(F) Works in military supply branch


Reath M. Pons

(Pr.: Rii-th em Pons (Pons with silent 'n', like French))

(F) Alliance Intelligence

Medicine Kit

Kidi M. Citeen

(Pr.: Kii-dii em Si-teen)

F) Doctor/Medic


Ros W. Cobs

(Pr.: Ross double u Kobs)

(M) Special Forces, Designed his own laser-crossbow

Laser pointer

Rosa P. Lotier

(Pr.: Row-za pee Lo-tjee)

(F) Special Forces, sniper-extravagant


Andy A. Cromise

(Pr.: En-dii ay Kro-maiz)

(M) Pilot, Flight Lieutenant

Gourmet dishes

Sir Tom Shegedu

(Pr.: Sir Tom She-geh-doo)

(M) Cook, Alien, royal on home-planet


Tess Nitic

(Pr.: Tess Nit-tik)

(F) Alien-scientist


If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments section and I'll see to it to anagram them and add them to this list :)

And if you were to find the perfect name for your character here, it would be incredibly awesome to have the certain story, character or chapter dedicated to me, just so I can see where my inspiration flows and grows!  

Good luck to you, I wish.

xx Yule

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