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They did make it to graduation before Cora had the baby. She didn't walk across the stage but she got her diploma, and she was in the audience for Stiles. They celebrated with sparkling cider (even though they'd planned on wine before she got pregnant) and a nostalgia party with Scott, Allison, Isaac, and the rest.

"I'd like to make a toast!" Stiles said over the conversations at the party, holding up his glass of sparkling cider. All the wolves immediately looked over and the humans quickly followed suit. They all looked up at him, smiling. Even Derek was there (although he was almost hiding in the back).

"Okay," he said, standing up and holding his glass in the air. "I just...the past few years have been incredibly difficult on all of us, without exception, and the fact that we're all...almost all here, that's pretty cool. So. First toast. To those we lost along the way."

There were some mumbled agreements and the clinking of glasses.

"Secondly," Stiles continued, "I think we ought to just thank each other. I mean, without you guys...I don't know where I'd be. I don't know who I'd be. And I know that nothing can change or destroy the friendships and relationships we have. So. To us."

The agreements were louder this time and when the clinking stopped, Stiles smiled down at Cora, who was sitting right next to him with a plate of snacks balanced on her belly. She was due in a week and she was huge. In a good way.

"Finally, I would like to make a toast to my amazing girlfriend-er, fiancé. The wonderful woman with whom I will spend the rest of my life. I lo-"

"SHIT!" Cora screamed, knocking the plate of snacks to the floor as she clutched at her stomach. "Stiles, fuck, FUCK!"

Stiles dropped his glass and knelt next to her, one hand on her face and the other on her belly. "What is it, baby, what's wrong?"


Stiles whipped his head up and stared at Derek, who was already on his feet, grabbing the hospital bag and car keys.

"Baby, are you sure? You had some last night, are you sure this is it?"

"Stiles, Jesus Christ!" Scott said.

"I know, I know!" He helped Cora to her feet and led her to the front door. "Are you guys gonna be okay?"

"Go to the hospital!" Allison said.

Derek was already in the back of the Jeep when Stiles helped Cora into the passenger seat. The hospital bag was at his feet, and he was shaking slightly. Stiles tried to drive carefully, he really did. But every time Cora groaned or hissed in pain, he pressed the gas pedal a little harder. They pulled into the hospital parking lot, and Derek crawled out the back of the Jeep and came around to help Cora. Stiles ran ahead to open the doors and go to the desk.

"My girlfriend's in labor!" he said breathlessly.

"How far apart are the contractions?"

Stiles looked over his shoulder at Cora, who mumbled something to Derek. "Four minutes, for about an hour," he said.

The rest of it went by in a blur, until she was finally in a bed with cords going everywhere and nurses coming in and out constantly. The contractions were three minutes apart now. Stiles tried to make her feel better but there wasn't really anything he could do. She cursed like a sailor, swearing at Stiles and Derek and the nurses and God and everyone that dared walk by. The Sheriff showed up after about two hours, after work, but he had sense enough to stay away for the worst parts. Besides, Cora and Stiles' hospital plan only allowed for themselves and Derek to be in the room when the baby came.

I Walk With You To The End {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now