Chapter 1 final part.

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  Well those weeks turned into a month of sitting in the house smoking weed and playing call of duty on the PS3.
  Our mother Liza has a mental illness , it causes her to have many personalities. We still love her dearly , but sometimes she a little hard to deal with. Well she hadn't seen us most of the summer so we go on this lovely Friday to see her. She's cleaning and being active and what not so we know she's having an episode.
  When our mother has these little episodes she acts different from her normal self... she's more social mainly. So as usual Vannessa starts an argument with me.
- Vannessa ; "You always got something smart to say." "You can never just shut the fuck up."
- Vasmine ; "If you didn't say shit to me I wouldn't have to say shit back."
- Vannessa ; "You betta shut up before I smack you."
- Vasmine ; *laughs historically*
  Well sure enough Vannessa tries to smack me. Lulu stops her though , which is nothing new. Vannessa gets all mad and leaves me at the house with my mom( whom is in an unstable mindset at the time). My mom starts trying to make me clean up and it kinda annoys me. I go along with it though. From there it was a HUGE mishap.

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