Chapter 1

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I woke to heavy breathing, hot air blowing on my face.  At first my vision was too blurry to recognize anything but I felt like I was on a cold floor in a dark cell of some sort. Everything around me was pitch black all but two glowing blue spots were visible  even with my blurred vision. I pinched my eyes shut and opened them. Moon light shined through a  broken glass window, shining enough light to see the glowing spots, which turned out to be eyes that belonged to a black wolf. It was magnificent , it was so beautiful as the moonlight hit it's fur, causing it's fur to seem like it was shining. I wasn't scared, I had an odd sense of clarity around this beast. So far it didn't want to hurt me, I hadn't known what came over me but I reached my hand out and the wolf bowed it's head so I could touch it. 

"What?" did it just talk?
"Cloe wake up."
I really hated being shaken awake.
"Cloe we're going to be late, again."
That was my sister Jessica. She was only five minutes  older than me but I swear she thought she knew it all, telling me what to do and what not to do. 
"Come on Jess, just five more minutes. " I mumbled  as I turned back over trying to get some shuteye.
"We don't have five minutes!" she took my pillow from under my resting head and whacked me with it multiple  times until I was up and ready to strangle her. I growled at her (I have a slight obsession with wolves, so I taught myself to growl) she finally stopped hitting me to roll her eyes in annoyance.
"How many times do I have to tell you,you're not a dog Cloe."

"Not dog, wolf ,dummy." she only sighed.

"Just get up and ready for school okay?" she finally left my room. Seventeen years of this and I never get tired of her wake up calls.


After I was finally dressed and ready for school, I walked into the kitchen and looked at my phone. It was already 7:43 we may actually be late even though our school wasn't too far we weren't  going to make it on foot. I grabbed a bruised banana from the fruit bowl. 

"Jess, come on!"

"Okay give me a sec,i have to grab my stuff!" she yelled from upstairs. When she said her 'stuff' I knew she meant her toiletries for when that time of the month comes. I was surprised  that we didn't start and end at the same time.  Jess and I were identical,we both had the same messy reddish brown hair, and dark brown eyes,a big nose or as I called it the French man's nose, we both had long faces and dimples, Jess's  cheek bones were higher than mine. But we were nothing  alike really.  She was the type to wear skirts and blazers and pink. I preferred skinny jeans,t-shirts and hoodies. But we went to a school that required uniform. A maroon blazer with our schools name and logo on it, a white blouse,and a black skirt. I hated it.  I became impatient so I walked out of the house, I didn't have anyone to kiss goodbye because our mom was at work til elven and our father died from some freak animal attack,the wounds were so morbid we all believed it to be a bear attack. He did love to go in hikes a lot.  So I don't see why anyone wouldn't believe  that.

I got to a corner and heard a yell. 

"Wait! Cloe! Wait up!" my sister came panting and stopped next to me. 

"You.. Could've waited." she said in between deep breaths.

"You were taking too long." I said dryly with a shrug.  She punched my arm. 

"Ow! Jerk." I rubbed my arm and looked at my phone,it was 7:52.

"We need to go." I grabbed Jess's wrist and ran to school dragging her with me.

"Wait Cloe, I'm tired." I just ignored her I couldn't afford another detention.


We made it to school with just a minute to spare.  Really, it was 7:59 and the bell rang when we arrived to the front yard. I started  to walk away and Jessica  pull my arm. 

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