Chapter 1 ~ Discussing

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"So how exactly are you going to tell him?" Sub asks Corl. Corl wants to do something about this feelings he currently having towards a person. A person he been hanging out for a very long time. But this problem is that he doesn't know how to.

"I...honestly don't know. Beside why would I tell him? I know for sure that he's not interested in guys." With a sad face, Corl said this to Sub. He know that this person is not interested in guys. But he want to tell him the feelings he has for him. He want to know if his crush would return his feelings. But he doesn't want to risk the friendship he has with this special person.

"How would you know if you never try to ask him? Something good might possibly happen." Sub said with a smile on his face that manage to make Corl a little bit happy. Corl just doesn't seem to understand. He has to tell him to know if this person like him or not. He will never know if he never asks. He has a feeling that something good will happen. He hopes.

"Why would I ask him if I already know he's not gay?" Corl asks to the person who is trying to help. He wishes that he's able to read this person's mind to know if he is interested in guys. If he could then this could be a lot easier. But he can't. Why is life so complicated?

"Corl, think about this. You think he's not gay but there is a possibility you might be wrong" Sub said. He knows that Corl thinks this person is not gay but there's a possibility that he could be wrong.

"When are people mostly planning on getting things for Valentines Day?" Corl asks his friend while trying thinking for some ideas.

"Mostly in Feburary 1. So today I guess" Sub said, confuse on what Corl ask him. What is he trying to do?

"And what do people do on Valentines Day?" Corl said to Sub. He's still trying to thinking for a idea for his love problem.

"They mostly send cards, stuffed animals and other things. Corl why are you asking me all of this?"

"I have an idea" Corl says while snapping his finger. This idea could work. But it could also fail. But let just think about the positive.

"For what? Sub says, confusion being able to be seen in his face.

"To tell Denis, that for" Corl says to Sub like it was the obvious thing ever.

"So what the idea?"Sub says, curiosity for his idea that Corl suddenly got.

"I could write a secret admired card-" Corl says but got interrupted by the one and only Sub.

" want to write Denis a card?" Sub says chuckling by the idea.

"That the only idea I got. I could also give him a adorable bear or maybe a stuffed cat" Corl says. He know how much Denis is in love with cats. He told him many times how much he loves those adorable animals.

"A stuffed animal may be a good idea. But the secret admirer thingy is really weird. Can't you just put your name and that it?" Sub says.

"The Secret Admirer is creative Sub. A lot of people do this. I would say that the secret admirer is perfect for Valentines Day" Corl says.

"Fine. I guess it a good idea" Sub says,  giving up on writting his name instead of putting "secret admirer". What's so special about putting secret admirer? He will never understand.

"Ok. Let go to the store. I want to do it perfectly." Corl says.

"If you insist. We better hurry up" Sub says to Corl.

They begin to walk to Corl's car. They were discussing this at Corl's house. Since it his car Corl went to the driver seat. Sub sat down next to Corl. When they were ready, Corl begins to drive to the store Wal-mart. It the closest store so that why they went there. Also because it had Valentines Day things. It's a perfect store  to find materials for Corl to make the card. Also to find a suffed cat if they have one. They when to Wal-mart parking lot and parked there.

Hope you guys enjoy it. I know writing this is going to be really fun. I hope it is. Also I know it not February but who cares. I just had this idea in my mind for a very long time so I decided to to write about it. Thanks for reading.

✌️ Peace Out ✌️

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