Let Me Do Me and You do You

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Josh and Maya have agreed to Someday and for each to live their own lives knowing the other is out there. Riley doesn't want to accept that Someday is still far away.

Maya's POV

  Today was just another day for me or so I thought. I am here at Topanga's with Riley, Lucas, and Zay. Farkle and Smackle are meeting with the High school debate Club this afternoon so they couldn't make it. Lucky for me.. I have Zay with me so I don't feel like a third wheel with Riley and Lucas being all lovey dovey...

I decided to go through my Facebook feed and I see Josh is tagged in a status check in. 

Shayla Carrera  checked in at Topanga's Cafe with @ Josh Matthews
Having fun with my bby.. couldn't ask for a better boyfriend 😚😚😚 Thanx babe for lunch...

Wow...I didn't see that coming. I know we agreed to Someday and to live our lives but...Wow. He is  really taking that part seriously.

Well what did I expect? That he would suddenly want Someday to be today or tomorrow or the next week.
I feel silly now for thinking that maybe he would wait for me...

Zay must have noticed the change in my mood because he starts to ask me whats wrong.

"Hey Honeynuggets why so blue?" He says with a smile.

I don't say anything I just hand him my phone.
His smile quickly disappears when he reads the status update. Zay gives me an I'm sorry look.

I just nodded.

We are there talking when I see Josh walk in with who I can presume is Shayla his girlfriend. He doesn't say "Hi" so it must be her.

C'mon Hart hold it together. You are tougher than Nails

I casually change seats so that my back is to them with the excuse that I offer to lend Riley my notes for Spanish class.

Surprisingly Riley doesn't notice the shift in my mood, she is too wrapped up in Huckleberry to notice.

As we sit there I can her that girls voice.

"Oh Josh!!! You are so funny..." she giggles.

I quite frankly find her voice irritating like nails on a chalk board.

Zay hears her too. He just shakes his and motions for me to follow him outside. Riley doesn't notice us leave.

Outside Topanga's

"Maya are you okay?" Zay asks me.

"Yes and no..like I feel really dumb for maybe thinking he would wait for me but that was stupid of me." I say trying to be strong.

"Maya you shouldn't feel.." I cut him off

"Because really when you think about the timing of the situation, he probably just said that stuff about the long game out of pity. Probably so that Riley wouldn't  have to worry about me wanting to be with Lucas if he distracted me... I don't think he really cared at all.. you know the timing was just too good to be true.." I continue.

"Maya he is an idiot for thinking that  anyone would be better than you.." Zay says with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Zay.. I am thankful to have you.  Riley didn't even notice something was wrong..." I confess feeling lonely.

"Well you have me Honeynuggets and like I said before I just like sitting next to you." Zay says pulling me into a hug.

I can't help but laugh as he tries to tickle me.

I'll Find My Way Back To You Josh And Maya Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now