Anti book one how it happened

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Hi my name is Andy that's not my real name, but I've been told that I can't tell you my real name or I will be

in some big trouble.( My name will come up later!). "ANDY!!" fine I won't tell them my name gosh. Sorry my master can get a little crabby sometimes. Maybe because he's the devil but that's no reason to be crabby!!

I think

I kind of remember when I used to be normal no devil horns sprouting out of my temple no blood red eyes no satanic like tattoos, I worked in a

damn convenience store for Pete's sake!! How did I end up as the antichrist? Well I'll tell you!!! Let's start our tale from the Beginning.


I was a good sized baby average height average weight so you could say I was an average person for my age of one second. Skip ahead about two years, I'm having my birthday, and we have the normal cake the normal presents, the normal guests and family. When they gave me the cake I was so excited that when they told me to blow out the candles I threw my face on it and tried to start eating. When I came up for air my hair was on fire my face covers in burn marks. My mom tells me that I didn't even notice the burning until someone screamed and threw water on my head (Gamy). I can still see the scars right below my hair line. So I'm sitting in my high chair balling my eyes out. Not because of the fire but because of my stinging eyes from the water. When there comes a sudden knock at the door. My father tells me to shut it and grabs his gun and walks to the door opens it and points a gun at the president of the United States and his bodyguard! Yeah the president, why was the president at my party? He was driving to the airport and the driver needed to pick some things up from home (the driver is my neighbor) and right when they reached his house the car died and they where going to ask for a battery jump. So back to my dad and his gun, my dad had..... How do I say this... courage, my dad had a lot of courage. So he kept on pointing that gun at his temple and he said to the most important man in the world next to Jesus "What the fuck do you want".


The president replied "I would suggest putting that gun down son before someone gets hurt." "I can do whatever the fuck I want to asshole" "Fair enough astrid tell him what we do to people when they point guns at us" Just then the man that looked like the terminator(imagine living next to the terminator!) suddenly became something out of an Action movie, he was on my father so fast that I could barely see what he was doing. He grabbed his arm twisted it around to his back and put my father's own gun up to the back of his head "We terminate them sir." "Now if you apologize for threatening me then I won't have Astrid shoot both your kneecaps off." "Ok ok I'm sorry" my father said. The one they called Astrid let him go and walked with the president into my humble abode.

Now I'm still in my high chair silently sniffling to myself when he walked in I was shocked at first because at the time I thought he was one of my father's friends, or just another drunk that found their way into my home. But when everyone saw him they all stopped breathing for at least one second. When I saw him I immediately stopped crying but instead started laughing because I just thought to myself "why would someone wear such a silly outfit?" My mother told me to hush up. "Nice place" the president said "Now who is this little guy?" As the president bent down to greet me I started getting the first signs of being possessed by a demon. As he was bending I was speaking, now remember I was at the age where I could only say dada, mama, and food. Now this is what I said to our country's leader "Vadis ad infernum.(translation- you are going to hell.)"What did u just say?" "Vadis ad infernum" "I'm sorry I don't understand what he is saying" "well he can say some silly things sometimes" my mother interjected, by the way my mother knows Latin and study's Satanism and demonic possessions. I looked at her and said "canis fornicariam (whore dog)" My mother grabbed me right out of my high chair and carried me up to my room and attempted to perform an exorcism.

Exorcism sort of

She tied my hands to the bed with chains while I was cursing and swearing in Latin. After she was done she grabbed her bible off the shelf turned to a scripture and started saying the Lord's Prayer. Immediately when she started praying everything on me started to feel like it was burning. I knew something was wrong when I started hearing a voice inside my head again. It said "Ne sit hoc meretrix vincere! (Don't let this whore win!)" And somehow I understood him. I started spiting at her and when the green saliva hit her cheek, it burned, it burned a hole right through her skin. She screamed "DEMON, DEMON CHILD, SATIN RELEASE YOURSELF FROM THIS CHILD!". The voice laughed but instead of only me hearing him talk, my mother did as well, but the weird part was that he was talking through me. I said "Tu es sacerdos in plena, non tamen tenetur. Tantum potest excelsi interficere." "GET OUT OF MY SOOOOON!" She screamed. She grabbed a bottle of the shelf and released the cork, she said "IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND HOLY SPIRIT, BE GONE! BE GONE!" She collapsed and everything went dark.

I dream of hell

Screaming, a woman's "Please I will do anything! Let me live! I don't want to go to hell!" She said through heavy sobbing. The voice again "This is my home" me "it's horrible" "you get used to it" "let me show you around" "alright not like I have much of a choice" "ha ha ah yeah you don't, I control you now" "damn, will I ever be free?" "In time, my master is the decider of that. Speaking of my master that's his quarters" he pointed to his left of the long corridor he was leading me down. I caught a brief glimpse of the room. It was just a plain door but it scared the living shit out of me, not sure why. I just kept walking and I eventually reached the end of the corridor, there was a door there. I had never seen a more red door. It looked as if there was a floating color in the shape of a door. I opened it and was met by Nicholas Cage. He said with glowing red eyes "Welcome to Hell!" He then stretched his face at least a mile upwards and he ate me whole. I then opened my eyes to rain.


Rain is a horrible thing if you think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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