(A/n mostly everything will be in Holly's point of view. If it's not then it will be said other wise.)
Classes went by fast that day. Both Harry and I went to bed early. When we woke up the next morning I transfigured his nasty old cloths into rich looking cloths. I had on a baby blue dress with my Royalty robes. Harry and I went to the Great hall talking. Once we opened the door we were met with the Weasley twins. I put a shield over me and Harry before something bounce on the shield and right back to twins. The Minister watched amused that the prank backfired on them. The twins were coated in Gryffindor colors. I waved my hand over them and the colors changed to hot pink with purple flowers growing out of the ears and nose. Everyone laughed at the twins that never got pranked just did by their own supplies.
The Minister walked over to the pair and walked them out of Hogwarts. They walked until the Minister was able to appeariate to the ministry. When we landed we were meet with four other Ministers.
"What iz thiz fudge wez are zuppozed to talk to an adult" a women said.
"This here is Holly Fleamont and Harry Potter" the Minister said.
We bowed our heads to them in respect.
"It is a honor to met you. I have heard that we need to discuss orphanages. What exactly is your ideas?" I asked them. I repeated it in each language thankfully the American Minister speaks English.
"How do you know all these languages?" The American asked.
"I was neglected at home I had to stay in a cupboard in the attic during the day when I'm not working in the alley delivering papers. I had lots of free time. I have been learning spells and theory since I was two. I have the ability of having a photographic memory. I was bored after finishing everything. So I started learning languages. It also helps when I have business meeting in other countries. Since my muggle businesses expanded in other countries. I am in the moment teaching my cousin here then two along with spell and theory. If I were to take the test that seventh years do I am surely to pass and graduate." I said. Also repeating it in the other languages.
They nodded.
"Is that why you help so much with orphanages so much is because in a way you were one also?" The American said.
"Yes in a way I was a orphan. So was Harry. We were both neglected. I was forgotten even with my twin forgetting I was even born. If it wasn't for the house elf I would be dead rotting baby in the car. Harry was neglected also. But he was abused. We both lost our parents. His by murder. And the other forgetting I was born to them. We both slept in small cupboards. We are similar that is why he is my brother in a way. Yes we are orphans but now we are Lord and Lady of or family name. I'm Lady Fleamont and he is Lord Potter." I said. Then again saying it in French, Bulgarian, and Spanish.
"What do you suggest we do in the orphanages?" The French one asked.
"Give each kid room. Not too small nor to big. Make them feel they are being loved." Harry said. I translated it.
"The person that is running the orphanage needs to love kids. They are not there for the money. If the caretaker loves the kids. The child grow up loving people and talk. If the person is disliked they will strike back and be closed off." I said translating it to everyone else.
"Thank you for your advice young ones. Now I heard you are the one to invent the Phoenix swift brooms is that true?" The Spanish one asked.
I blushed. "Yes sir so far it's better than the firebolt. And more dutiable. My stocks are on the rise." I said. Translating it in the languages.
They smiled and shook our hands the American one stayed behind.
"How old are you two?" He asked.
"Were eleven." I said.
"Who was your parents?" He asked.
"Mine was Lilly and James Potter." Harry said.
"More like ex parents. Mine are Molly and Arthur Weasley. I have six other ex siblings one being my twin who forgets his other half for eleven years." I grumbled. Harry rubbed circles on my back. I sniffles a little.
"Oh that's okay. I live in New York. There is a lot of people there." He said. I smiled. "I'll tell you what if you have any questions or need a new broom you can come to me. You will probably get the broom faster from me than anyone else." I said. He nodded and bowed and walked to talk to our Minister. Me and Harry talked about the assignments and prank spells to use on my brothers. The Minister walked back to us and lowered himself to our level.
"Sir when are we able to appeariate because I was able to do it since I was two." I said. He looked at me kind of shocked.
"Tell you what we can go over and take your appearation License. Let me see your wands." He mumbled something and gave it back. I checked the wands and to see there is no tracers.
I looked up at him with a smile.
"Now this takes great responsibility. Never do magic in front of muggles and never kill or hurt some one on purpose. Only when dueling and self defending. I looked at Harry's wand and felt something blocking magic.
"That's weird." I said.
"What's weird." Fudge asked
"I can feel core depressing spell or potion on either wand or Harry." I said.
"Put your wand on the ground and back away from Fudge." I need to scan both.
I wave my hand over the wand it was clear. I waved over Harry. Halfway waving at Harry I felt it. I mumbled a few incantations and a paper appeared in the air.
I read the paper and I felt angered. My hands lit on fire the paper burnt into a pile of ash. I started mumbling words and waving my hand over Harry. I keep mumbling. I can hear Harry screeching.
"Sorry Harry hold on for a little bit more. I put my hand over his scar and mumbled in parsel tongue. A minute late the soul piece is removed from Harry flying off to his body probably. I then starting healing his scar marking it almost invisible.
"Pinky" I said.
Pinky popped up. I whispered in her ear pain reliever, core enhancer, and eye correction. She nodded frantically and popped out. A few moments she popped back in. I hand Harry the pain reliever and the core enhancer. He chugged them down he sighed at the feeling.
"Okay Harry I need you to not blink for 20 seconds when I put this stuff in your eyes." I said he nodded and I dropped some in and he kept it open.
"Okay you can blink now." I said. He blinked and looked around.
"Wow I can see without the glasses." He said astonished. I smiled.
"Come on I want to get the license and I want to go to diagon alley to get you new wardrobe and some new looks." I said. They smiled and started heading to the department.
A Weasley outsider
FanfictionHolly Weasley the sixth and forgotten Weasley. The twin sister of Ron Weasley. She was forgotten and never seen. Only comes out of the supposedly haunted attic when no one is awake or around. When her Hogwarts letter comes in will her family remembe...