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    One Day Park Jimin who was only 10 years old  and his parents were on their way home but it was a stormy night, They were driving down a dark road and none of them were aware of what was about to happen.

               "Mom, .... Dad Im scared " Jimin said while looking around and he sees eyes everywhere looking directly at them.

      "Honey everything will be ok just sit back and close your eyes and take deep bre-." Before she could finish her sentence something jumped on the front of the car which cause the car to flip over" 

  Jimin Refused to open his eyes because he was so scared but when he did open them he saw his mother and father were gone.

     "Mom... , Dad.... Where Are You?" Jimin said Softly.   

  when Jimin looked Up he saw 3 dark figures standing infront of the flipped over car with his mother and father over their shoulder so he quietly tried to crawl into a nearby bush.  

  "What should we do with the these two disgraceful demons my lord". Said The Dark Figure. Jimin Couldn't see the face of the man because of how dark it was all there was for like was the fire.

 "We are Going to take them with us ofcourse". said one of the other dark figures but this time his voice sounded familiar to jimin but he couldnt exactly tell who it was.

 Jimin Quiet Crawled his way away from the 3 dark figures and tried to make a break for it but he stops and sees someone walking towards him, he cant see the face but all Jimin Sees the mans red glowing eyes.  

Jimins starts shaking and his eyes widen. "Please...Please Don't Hurt me" Jimin says as he is Trembling in Fear.    

 The figure with the red glowing eyes raises one hand and a light appears from his hand so jimin could see who it was.  

 "w-who are you?.....and what did those people want with my parents? and what is this about them being Demons?....Please Answer me !". Jimin Looks Up at the Man Curiously but Jimin is also scared because the man was staring at him with the most evil pressence.  

 "My Name is Nick and I am not going to Hurt you Little One". Nick Responded in a Soft tone. "Those People Are Demon Hunters they were hired by someone named Jungsu he is a bad guy and you want to avoid those guys, Your parents arent dead yet i can tell thats the next question you were going to ask." Nick sighed

 "B-But I Dont Understand My Parents arent demons they cant be! They're not like that at all" Jimin Responded crossing his arms shivering from the rain" 

 Nick Sighs. "You Have much to Learn". Nick Picks up Jimin and Takes Him somewhere safe and the safest place for a demon hybrid child is Namjoons mansion.       

"Where Are We Going Nick?" Jimin Asks Looking Up At Nick. "Namjoons Mansion..he is a old friend of mine and he takes in kids like you so you will be safe there and i will make sure that i promise"

 As Nick Carried Jimin in his arms for a few mins jimin was fast asleep, Nick looked down at jimin and saw that he was fast asleep and it brought to nicks attention that jimin was kinda cute while he slept but nick couldnt waste anytime admiring how cute jimin is sleeping, Nick started running faster then the eye could see and in a matter of seconds he arrived at namjoon's.

       Nick pushed open the 2 big doors and it was about 40 people in the main hall and they all turned their attention to nick holding jimin in his arms. "Where is Namjoon?" Nick Asked, 'He is in his Office". Taehyung standing infront of Nick looking directly at jimin.

        "Thanks Tae" Nick rushes to Namjoons Office. Nick opens namjoons office door and lays jimin on the black leather couch behind him, "Nick who's this?" Namjoons walks to get a closer look at Jimin fast asleep, " I found him while i was on my way here" Nick sits in chair infront of Namjoons desk crossing his legs.

        Nick Explains to namjoon everything that happen , what happened to his parents , how he found jimin. "I think he's a demon hybrid". Namjoon hovering over Jimin then looks at Nick.

                      "Interesting....So I guess he is one of us... considering his parents are demon themselves". Nick Stands up and Walks over to Namjoon and looks down at Jimin. Jimin Slowly Opens his eyes and sees Nick and Namjoon Talking and quickly raises up. "W-where am I?!" Jimin rubbing his eyes.  Namjoon crouches down infront of Jimin and looks at him "You Safe Now...what is your name Little One..?" Namjoon says softly. "J-Jimin..P-park Jimin" , Jimins Stuttering.  

     "well Park Jimin my name is Namjoon and this is your new home ". Namjoon running a hand through his hair smiling.  "its n-nice to m-meet you N-Namjoon" Jimin looking at Namjoon nervously. "and you have already met nick" Namjoon looked over his shoulder and saw that Nick was gone.

       After 30 minutes passed Namjoon was explaining to Jimin What he was and what he would be doing at his Mansion. Jimin Would be set up with a few Training buddies and he would assign them a mentor and Jimins Training buddies were Jungkook , Taehyung and Seokjin. Namjoon would let them know who there mentor would be within a week. Namjoon took Jimin to where he would be staying and Jimin's face lit up with a big smile and then turned to hug Namjoon, Namjoons had a big smile on his face, he was glad to see that Jimin liked it and hoped he enjoyed his stay here. Namjoon leaded Jimin down stairs to meet the other guest who were staying with them and Namjoon wandered off to find nick he left Jimin with Jungkook , Taehyung and Seokjin they were about the same age but seokjin was a little older. Namjoon went to the roof and saw that nick was sitting on the ledge, Namjoon Walks over to Nick and puts both his forearms on the ledge and looks at nick.

     "Nick....Whats going on? is Something on your Mind? Namjoon Stares at nick.  "*sighs* its just that im so different from most of the people here.., like its hard trying to hide what i am Namjoon i may be a demon hybrid but im no ordinary hybrid.... im a Demon Mortix " Nick Stares into namjoons eyes and tears roll down his face.

         " I understand...but you will get through this i know you will, soon you will be able to full control your powers and you will learn to embrace what you are... I Know its not easy at first but when i found i was a Demon Nai I felt empty... Nick Im Mixed with 4 Demons, and your mixed with 6 your one of a kind, so please stay strong and you will get through this and I will help you..." Namjoon leans in and kisses Nick"

           "Thanks Namjoon i can Always count on you" Nick says softly...

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